Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Beef Scares Europe essays
Beef Scares Europe essays The strange disease, called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as BSE, had its origin in 1985, when the first official case of mad-cow disease was detected in Britain. In 1988 Britain ordered the slaughter of all cattle infected with BSE but the British manufacturers continued to export banned animal feed to the Continent. In 1990 a cat with symptoms of BSE was discovered. The British Government was frightened and started to watch for human cases. In 1995, the first person died of a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the human version of mad-cow disease. Because of this tragic incident the continental Europeans stopped to buy British Beef, British cows and British animal feed in the mid-1990s and thats the reason why many European states felt themselves safe. Nevertheless in the last few weeks the first cases of BSE have been announced in Germany and Spain. In France a panic broke out as well because three supermarkets made public that meat from a dozen cows, which had an infected animal among them, had made its way into the shops. The outcome was that the beef prize dropped down immeasurably. The French public is eating 50 percent less beef than they did a few weeks ago and five neighbour-countries dont import meat from France anymore. The number of victims in Britain has increased to 82 in the last few days. Since last summer also two people in France and one person in Ireland have died from the disease. Doctors say that CJD is a mysterious, incurable illness that attacks the nervous system and destroys the brain and all its functions. Nobody knows when the illness will break out because the human form of the disease can incubate for a decade or more before symptoms appear. Unfortunately there is no cure for it but there are a number of medicaments which can relieve the pain. The bad news is that the number of victims is rising now about 40% because of the long incubation period. ...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Using the Spanish Preposition De
Using the Spanish Preposition De De is one of the most common prepositions in Spanish. Although it usually is translated as of and sometimes as from, its use is far more versatile than the translation might suggest. In fact, in certain contexts, de can be translated not only as of or from, but as with, by, or in, among other words, or not translated at all. One reason de is used more often than its equivalents in English is because the rules of English grammar let us use all sorts of nouns and phrases as adjectives. In that way, Spanish isnt quite so flexible. While in English we may say, a nine-year-old girl, in Spanish that becomes una muchacha de nueve aà ±os or, literally, a girl of nine years. Similarly, in English, we may say something like a silver ring, using what is normally a noun, silver, as an adjective. But in Spanish we have to say un anillo de plata, or a ring of silver. De also is used in Spanish to indicate possession. We may talk about Johns shoe in English, but in Spanish its el zapato de Juan, or the shoe of John. Following are some of the most common uses of de: Using De for Possession Possession or belonging, either physical or figurative, as indicated by s in English is almost always translated using de followed by the possessor in Spanish: el carro de Matilda (Matildas car)la clase del Sr. Gà ³mez (Mr. Gomezs class)las esperanzas del pueblo (the peoples hopes)à ¿De quià ©n es este lpiz? (Whose pencil is this?) Using De for Causation Following an adjective, de can be used to indicate a cause. Estoy feliz de nuestra amistad. (I am happy with our friendship. The word following de indicates t he reason for happiness.)Est cansada de jugar. (She is tired of playing.) Using De To Indicate Origin Often translated as from, de can be used to indicate the origin of a person or thing. She same construction is used to state that a person is a member of a group. Soy de Arkansas. (Im from Arkansas.)Mi madre es de la India. (My mother is from India.)Es la chica ms inteligente de la clase. (She is the most intelligent girl in the class.) Using De With Characteristics When an object or person has characteristics (including contents or what something is made of) that are stated as a noun or infinitive, de is often used to show the relationship. It generally is not possible in Spanish, as it is in English, to use nouns as adjectives. corazà ³n de oro (heart of gold.)el tranvà a de Boston (the Boston streetcar)una casa de huà ©spedes (a guesthouse)una cancià ³n de tres minutos (a three-minute song)una casa de $100,000 (a $100,000 house)una taza de leche (a cup of milk)la mesa de escribir (the writing table)una casa de ladrillo (a brick house)jugo de manzana (apple juice)una mquina de escribir, (a typewriter, literally a writing machine) Using De in Comparisons In some comparisons, de is used where we would use than in English. Tengo menos de cien libros. (I have fewer than 100 books.)Gasta ms dinero de lo que gana. (He spends more money than he earns.) Idioms Using De De is used in many common idiomatic phrases, many of which function as adverbs. de antemano (previously)de cuando en cuando (from time to time)de memoria (by memory)de moda (in style)de nuevo (again)de pronto (immediately)de prisa (hurriedly)de repente, (suddenly)de todas formas (in any case)de veras (truly)de vez en cuando (from time to time) Verbal Expressions Requiring De Many verbs are followed by de and often an infinitive to form expressions. There is no logic to which verbs are followed by de. The verbs need either to be memorized or learned as you come across them. Acabo de salir. (I have just left)Nunca cesa de comer. He never stops eating.Tratarà © de estudiar. (I will try to study.)Me alegro de ganar. (I am happy to win.)Se olvidà ³ de estudiar. (He forgot to study.)Romeo se enamorà ³ de Julieta. (Romeo fell in love with Juliet.) You will also occasionally see other uses of de, although those above are the most common. There are also many expressions and verb combinations using de that were not listed above. Keep in mind also that when de is followed by the article el, meaning the, they form the contraction del. Thus los rboles del bosque is the equivalent of saying los rboles de el bosque (the trees of the forest). But no contraction is used for de à ©l, which means his.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The good citizen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The good citizen - Essay Example He/she is also pleasant and well mannered, and always eager to learn (Glassman, 2008). A good citizen is compassionate and takes responsibility for his or her actions. He/she is a good neighbor and respects other peopleââ¬â¢s property. Student 1: He believes that society needs prudent and honest citizens to endure. Every society values hardworking citizens. According to him, the inherent characteristics of a good citizen would include taking on personal responsibility, being trustworthy and truthful, fighting for the underprivileged in society, being sympathetic to the needy, being a champion of positive change, contributing to society, and taking on personal responsibility. Other important characteristics include defending the rights of other people, being compassionate for the neglected, extending common courtesies, and respecting authority. Student 2: According to Student 2, the most important trait of a good citizen or good citizenship is honesty. He argues that good citizens are honest, truthful and sincere in their relationship with others, work, and leisure. Apart from honesty, the other important characteristic of a good citizen is compassion. Compassion is the kind of emotion or feeling that people who care for and watch over other people as well as living things have. It enables citizens to see or consider the importance of other peopleââ¬â¢s needs. Respect is another important trait of good citizenship. Student 1: The student asserts that good citizenship can be tested by examining his or her level of education. Typically, a person with good education and is capable of reading, writing and speaking the formal language(s) fluently is a good citizen. People with good education often get better jobs and often contribute immensely to the countryââ¬â¢s economy. The person is also better informed and well-versed thus is capable of making good decisions. Student 2: According to student 2, hard work is the most important parameter for testing if
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
W8 Disc Knowledge Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
W8 Disc Knowledge Management System - Essay Example Likewise, aside from the internal resources, the manager should also assess the external factors which could influence and affect the organizationââ¬â¢s performance: customers, competitors, environmental, and other politico-social factors. The benefits of developing an effective KM system include ââ¬Å"facilitating decision-making, building learning environments by making learning routine, and stimulating cultural change and innovationâ⬠(Quast, 2012). A learned, the key ingredients of a KM system could be any of the following: people, processes, and technology; or culture, structure, and technology (What Is Knowledge Management?, n.d.). The approach that should be used depends on the resources and competencies of the organization, especially the people who would use the information in the performance of their roles and responsibilities. As emphasized, ââ¬Å"the idea of a KM system is to enable employees to have ready access to the organizations documented base of facts, sources of information, and solutionsâ⬠(Knowledge management system, n.d., p. 1). Therefore, it is important to assess the skills and competencies of the organizationââ¬â¢s human resources, as well as Quast, L. (2012, August 20). Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company. Retrieved from Forbes:
Sunday, November 17, 2019
United States Defense Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
United States Defense Policy - Research Paper Example The disaster energized the country especially its defense system and the administration to generate modifications in the existing defense policy. By analyzing major political transactions that occurred in the Middle East and central Asian countries it is clear that some philosophical, ethical and moral questions are involved in formulating the existing defense US defense policy. Its policies in Post Cold War period, programs against international terrorism and internal security constitute ethical and moral issues. Studies often reported that the policy is not effective to resolve various ethical and moral issues. Current defense policy of the United Statesââ¬â¢ concentrates to deter aggression against the country, its allies. Another significant element that one can find in US defense policy is the programs to control most dangerous weapons and the effective implementation of Nuclear- Proliferation Treaty. Current US defiance policy underlines effective coordination of various defiance department and security agencies. The online article entitled Security System Reform and Governance gives information about Security System Reform and it rightly comments that; ââ¬Å"SSR frameworks should therefore address both external and internal threats to peopleââ¬â¢s safety, to law and order and to state stability.â⬠(Manning, 2005, p.22). Existing Defense policy of the United States plays a significant role in the field of international politics, immigration, and economic transactions and its programs to prevent international terrorism constitutes desirable results. United Statesââ¬â¢ Dep artment of Defense is the central body that coordinates various agencies and supervises the process of policy making. There are a number of factors or institutions that are involved in the process of policy formation such as the Department of the Army, Navy and Air force. Other institutions are
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rehabilitation, Treatment, and the Management of Offenders: Can Punishment Cure?
Rehabilitation, Treatment, and the Management of Offenders: Can Punishment Cure? Abstract This paper will discuss how the authors of three particular articles, Megan Comfort, Mona Lynch, Kelly Hannah-Moffat and Paula Maurutto, interpret the rehabilitative processes for criminal offenders. The authorsââ¬â¢ arguments of who is responsible for this rehabilitation vary widely. There will be a brief summary of each authorââ¬â¢s argument and the essay will conclude in explain which authors argument is most comprehensive in explaining who the responsibility of rehabilitation falls on. Key words: Punishment, Rehabilitation, Rhetoric, Responsibility ] The Best Seven Years I Couldââ¬â¢a Done: The Reconstruction of Imprisonment as Rehabilitation By Megan Comfort The Best Seven Years I Couldââ¬â¢a Done by Megan Comfort is about the rehabilitation process experienced by many low-income men in the United States. Rehabilitation is defined as restoring someone to a useful role in society (Rehabilitation, 2009). Comfort says that the men who are incarcerated in California turn to prison as a way to achieve healthier relationships and to improve themselves. Since rehabilitation programs are scarce, the individual becomes responsible for their own improvement. We can see that people report making the best of their situation even when there are not sufficient programs available to help them get clean. However we can see that the lack of these programs can be a risk towards reoffending. Even though there are some programs available, the offenders claim that these programs lack anomity and would rather spend their time behind bars because they are able to establish goals that they want to achieve once they are released. Thus, the responsibility of r ehabilitation is shifted on to the individual, and we can question if the role that parole agents play is of any significance at all. Comfort also finds that these men engage in a period of acting as if their experience in the penitentiary is effective in preparing them for re-entry into society. However, after these men are in fact released from the penitentiary, they realize the negative repercussion of not effectively being rehabilitated. In contrast, rehabilitative treatment in the forms of therapy, job training, and education can show much more favourable outcomes for an individual being reintegrated back into society. Rehabilitation as Rhetoric: The Ideal of Reformation in Contemporary Parole Discourse and Practices By Mona Lynch Mona Lynch talks about the shifts in the purpose of parole throughout history. She marks three strong changes in parole history in which each era has a different view on who is responsible to improve the parolee. The three eras of parole are marked thus; the disciplinary era, clinical era, and the managerial era. Lynch discusses the first two as being a combined responsibility of the state, community, and the individual to help them become normalized into society. In the third era, she states that the responsibility is shifted on to the parole agent and the offender to help him improve. We can see that there is a shared responsibility. Lynch goes on to say that there is little investment put into rehabilitative measures and programs to assist the parolee to improve. In conclusion we can see that the issues that the agent would help the individual with are actually being addressed as the poor choices of the individual, and while there are programs in place to help fix the poor choices the individual has made, they are actually used as coercive tools against the parolee. We can see that the rhetoric of rehabilitation is expressed as placing unrealistic demands on the individual to normalize themselves, and if he does not succeed it is considered their own fault, and the agents are able to use coercion when they believe it is necessary to protect society from deviant behavior. Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance: Bail, Punishment and Shifting and Specialized Courts By Kelly Hannah-Moffatt and Paula Maurutto Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance by Hanna Moffat and Paula Maurutto discusses rehabilitation in Canadian specialized courts. They state that rehabilitation today is much different from the past. Throughout the history of the criminal justice system, rehabilitation took on the purpose of providing therapy to the individual offender, but today it operates on two levels. The first is to provide therapy to the offender through job training and counselling and the second purpose of rehabilitation is to exercise control. The latter purpose can be seen as being intrusive. The criminal justice system is combining rehabilitation and punishment as a punitive measure. They argue that rehabilitation does not serve a single purpose but it is binary. In conclusion we can see that rehabilitation is very messy because it is both a combination of punishment and therapy and also takes the role of being coercive and controlling. The Responsibility of Rehabilitation Rehabilitation has shifted in form throughout history and has gone from being therapeutic to taking on a controlling and coercive appearance. Many people argue about which form of rehabilitation is most effective but the purpose of rehabilitation is to figure out why an individual committed a crime, and focus on those aspects to foster a permanent change. It is part of a larger modernity. There are many articles about who should take on the responsibility of rehabilitation and through this analysis I will outline how the authors Megan Comfort, Mona Lynch, Hanna Moffatt and Paula Maurutto write about the subject. Then I will conclude with which author presents the most comprehensive argument for who should take on rehabilitation responsibility. To begin with, Mona Comfort says that jail fails to rehabilitate an individual back into society because the prison system does not have programs in place which could assist the offenders in becoming normalized into society. She says that the prison only serves the purpose of being a ââ¬Å"primary means of service accessâ⬠where these men who are denied social welfare are now able to get a hold of it within the penitentiary (Comfort, 2008). These men act as if the prison will help them re-enter society because they are able to establish goals that they want to achieve. However, Comforts studies show that tens of thousands of released prisoners who relapse and reoffend are a blunt testimony that the California Department of Correction or Rehabilitation is wearing very few rehabilitative clothesâ⬠(Comfort, 2008). Even though men believe that the prison will make them ââ¬Å"cleanâ⬠, studies prove that they more often than not will reoffend because the programs to help them become ââ¬Å"normalizedâ⬠in jail were non-existent or inadequate. In contrast, Mona Lynch writes that rehabilitation is more present in penitentiaries than Comfort would argue. She states that although rehabilitation has changed into being more ââ¬Å"managerialâ⬠, it still holds onto some past ideologies so we can look at it as merely re-invented. It is holding the old rhetoric but doing it in different or modern ways. In the past it took on a therapeutic form but today it is binary in being both therapeutic and coercive. In her opinion, rehabilitation is a combined responsibility of both the offender and the parole agent, but there is more emphasis on the offender ââ¬Å"wantingâ⬠to improve. She also writes that rehabilitation appears important for the agency to portray to a number of audiences, including the public, the clients, and the agents responsible for putting goals into actions. The commitment however does not extend past this rhetoric (Lynch, 2000). Finally, Hannah-Moffat and Maurutto see rehabilitation in a different form than Comfort, but somewhat similar to Lynch. They see rehabilitation motivated by therapeutic and preventative goal and they rely on relationships with community groups to create a range of interactions with the court and the offender (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The way that rehabilitation has shifted from being just therapeutic, then to coercive, and then into a meshing of the two, is a new feature of the Canadian criminal justice system. They write that rehabilitation is a shared responsibility, and it extends beyond the prison. It takes the combined efforts of professionals and the community to work together to re-integrate an individual back into society. One can also argue that this type of rehabilitation would be fairer in terms of seeking the best program to treat the specific needs of the offender, and will be more successful in reintegrating them into society as a result. In Maurutto and Moffattà ¢â¬â¢s argument, rehabilitation is able to be a life-changing experience rather than just an effort to change a personââ¬â¢s deviant personality. In conclusion we see there is a variation in the arguments presented by Comfort, Lynch and Maurutto and Moffat. However, in my opinion I believe that the latter two authors who argue that the state and community should work together to make the individual more responsible is more comprehensible than the other two arguments. Although Comfort states that the responsibility falls on the offender, studies show that they will risk reoffending if left to their own devices. This does not then seem realistic to make the individual responsible for their own rehabilitation, because the purpose of punishment is to deter an action that deviates from the societal norms. She also argues that the prison does not offer programs and even when they do that theyââ¬â¢re counting on you not to use them (Comfort, 2008). Instead the state decides to spend $35, 587 a year to imprison an offender, forgetting that they could use those funds to re-integrate the offender. The individual is made responsible a nd they leave the prison with ââ¬Å"no additional skills or information to help him enter society (Comfort, 2008). It is therefore not effective to not make the state responsible because the individual cannot find a job on his own and he is left seeking the criminal justice system to help him get clean, but this only provides him with temporary access to social welfare. On the other hand, Lynchââ¬â¢s argument that there is a shared responsibility between the parole agent and the offender is more comprehensive and potentially effective than Comforts because there is an external assistance system set up to rehabilitate the offender. There is also the implementation of punitive punishments. The reason why Comfortââ¬â¢s argument in making the individual responsible does not bode well is because you cannot expect someone who is deviant to be responsible. However with parole agents taking on part responsibility, it seems more likely that rehabilitation will have a greater success rate. Lynch argues that in the past, parole served the purpose of being therapeutic and today it takes on both therapeutic and coercive roles. This is more of an effective argument because the purpose of jail is to punish as well as to help them get back into society. The new era of parole is more effective because the state is protecting society from risky offenders while helping them get back to being normal and productive in society. In conclusion, this model is not completely casting off a segment of the population, rather crime punishment and disciplinary action are working together to make combined efforts to help make the offender responsible (Lynch, 2000). However, the argument made my Hannah-Moffat and Maurutto offers an even more comprehensive argument for who should hold the responsibility to rehabilitate the individual. They argue that rehabilitation happens the moment you are charged, and since there are specialized community groups working with the offender, they are able to address the underlying holistic needs of the offender in order to ensure successful completion of a treatment program (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). Conventional courts are criticized for failing to address effectively chronic social programs which is why if the specialized courts take the responsibly they are better equipped to target specific needs (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The whole process of how best to rehabilitate specific cases and individuals would begin the moment the charged person entered the courtroom and would not wait until they entered jail itself. Each method starts rehabilitation at a different time in the individuals interaction wi th the criminal justice system, but in the third one it starts from the beginning; the moment the individual is charged. This is almost more of a preventative style of rehabilitation and a hybrid. In conclusion, using Hannah-Moffat Mauruttoââ¬â¢s ideas on the responsibility to rehabilitate an offender being shared between specialized courts, community programs and the individual is better because it takes on preventative therapeutic practices but they have not eroded the traditional form of punishment (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The opportunity to participate in these programs is beneficial for the parolee because ââ¬Å"their charges may be withdrawn, or they may get an absolute or conditional dischargeâ⬠(Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). This seems more effective because the courts are working together to normalize the offender and this allows them to not have the stigma of being a criminal. The offender can find a job without the trouble of their record following them. Therefore having specialized courts and therapeutic programs, and the individual work together to help rehabilitation is more comprehensive compared to having an individual take on full responsib ility or having the state take on sole responsibility. Working individually, neither party can be trusted to make the right or rational choices for the prisoners, thus a binary response is needed for joint liability and oversight. References Megan Comfort (2008). ââ¬Å"The Best Seven Years I Couldââ¬â¢a Done: The Reconstruction of Imprisonment as Rehabilitation.â⬠In Pat Carlen, Imaginary Penalties, Cullompton, Devon: Willan. Pp. 252-274. Coursepack. Mona Lynch (2000). ââ¬Å"Rehabilitation as Rhetoric: The Ideal of Reformation in Contemporary Parole Discourse and Practices.â⬠Punishment Society 2(1): 40-65. Stable URL. Kelly Hannah-Moffat and Paula Maurutto (2012). ââ¬Å"Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance: Bail, Punishment, and Specialized Courts.â⬠Theoretical Criminology 16(2): 201-219. Stable URL. Rehabilitation. (2009). Retrieved from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Psychoanalytic Approach Essay
People diagnosed with panic disorder with agoraphobia may interpret a range of ambiguous events showing a bias for their own bodily sensations, interpreting them in a catastrophic life-threatening manner, making the anxiety heighten. Also it no longer takes into account the medical problems that may have occurred such as minor heart attacks. Another problem with diagnosis is the reliability and validity, it can depend on the clients culture, Britain may diagnose Sarah with panic disorder with agoraphobia but in America the diagnosis may be completely different, this can also refer to Sarahââ¬â¢s culture it does not specify Sarahââ¬â¢s culture or upbringing. It could be considered also that a client or even Sarah may act up to a diagnosis e. g.a client diagnosed with schizophrenia may not actually have the condition, but now after being diagnosed may live up to the diagnoses and display themselves as having a split mind. In the case of Sarah Behaviourist therapy might be used ââ¬â Behaviour Modification is the process where by the therapist aims to modify Sarahââ¬â¢s behaviour and eliminate the current behavioural responses, which are dysfunctional. This process is based on operant conditioning and aims to build up appropriate behaviour. This process is implemented by a system of reinforcements, either negative or positive. Another technique used in Behaviour Modification is Token Economy; the required behaviour is rewarded with tokens, which can then be exchanged for something the person wants. This particular technique is used with people suffering from anorexia, when they eat a certain amount of food they may be allowed a certain magazine, or item of clothing. This therapy may assist Sarah in beginning to condition her feelings and behaviour to adapt her away from the agoraphobia with panic disorder. In the other respect this therapy may also not be ethical, as it would be required to place Sarah in a scenario in which she feels truly terrifying which could be considered cruel and torturous. The biomedical model of health would define that Sarah is not responsible for her illness and that her mind and body work independently from each other. In the case of Sarah who is suffering from agoraphobia and panic disorder, this indicates that there is a clear link between the mind and body due to Sarah becoming dizzy and panicked suffering with palpitations, when out in an open area. The biomedical model also suggests that treatment is to change the physical state of the body and that only the medical profession can treat the sufferer but in this case; this would be very problematic due to the mind causing the physical illness and the sufferer only being treated for the physical symptoms which would therefore result in a reoccurrence of the illness due to the psychological needs of the Sarah being overlooked, and also the medication that would be prescribed is quite addictive and Sarah may become dependent upon it. Bibliography Harris,E.L.,Noyes,R.,Crowe,R.R.,&Chandry,D.R.(1983)Family study of agoraphobia: Report of pilot study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 1061-1064. Noyes,R., Crowe,R.R., Harris, E.L., Hamra,B.J., McChesney, C.M.,& Chandry, D.R. (1986). Relationships between panic disorder an agoraphobia: A family study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 43, 227-232
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Great Expectations Essay
As part of my GCSE coursework, I have read two novels written by Charles Dickens. The first novel is ââ¬ËOliver Twistââ¬â¢, from, whwhich I will look at a villain called Bill Sikes who is a thief, a housebreaker, a murderer and one of Ddickensââ¬â¢ most menacing characters. I will look at how Dickens characterises him as a villain. s makes him a villain. The second book I read was ââ¬ËGreat Expectationsââ¬â¢, infrom which I will look at another villain called Magwitch who bullies a young boy named Pip into helping him q. escaping from prison. I will also look at how Dickens characterises himmakes him as a villain.. I will then compare Bboth characters will then be compared and contrasted in my study. . The first person I will look at is Bill Sikes who is a murderer, a thief, a housebreaker, a bully and is part of Faganââ¬â¢s gang. Before we meet Sikes, Dickens dDescribes his environment. Firstly it is described as an ââ¬Ëobscure parlour of a low public houseââ¬â¢, a ââ¬Ëdark and gloomy denââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëin the filthiest part of Little Saffron Hillââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëwhere no ray of sun ever shone in the summerââ¬â¢. Adjectives such as obscure, low, dark gloomy and filthiest are all negative and suggest to me a very unpleasant and rough environment. The place being described as ââ¬Ëwhere no ray of sun ever shone in the summerââ¬â¢, suggests to me further of the placeââ¬â¢s depravity and that the public house is set in a back ally. The room Sikes is situated in is called a ââ¬ËDenââ¬â¢, A den is a place where animals usually live, so it suggests to me that this is an inhuman place, not suitable for a persons habitation. Over all I can say that the atmosphere is excessively bleak and miserable, the setting is used to reflect character and to create atmosphere suggestingand Sikes is in part, athe product of his own environment. Sikes is said to have been ââ¬Ëbroodingââ¬â¢, this suggests that Sikes had been in deep thought, scheming and plotting evil things. Sikes is described as ââ¬Ëstrongly impregnated with the smell of liquorââ¬â¢, this suggests to me that he we was highly intoxicated and the result, would mean that he would be grumpy, and irrational. He wares ââ¬Ëa velvet coat, drab shorts, half-boots and stockings. As you can see his clothing is very drabmonotonous and this suggests to the reader the obscure and sinister nature of Sikes and the world he inhabits. ity Sikes of which Sikes can possess. Sikes is described as ââ¬Ëeven by that dim light, no inexperienced agent of police would have hesitated for one instant as Mr. William Sikesââ¬â¢. This suggests to the reader that Sikes is well known by the police and is obviously a common criminal. Sikesââ¬â¢ dog is described as being ââ¬Ëred-eyedââ¬â¢. This is symbolic of depression and anger and many other negative emotions, so it is apparent that the dog is symbolic to the negativity in Sikesââ¬â¢ environment and is also a product of bad environment may be symbolic that the dog is symbolic of the harsh environment. The dog sits at his mastersmasterââ¬â¢s feet, this shows the relationship between the dog and his master as being close and intermit and proves Sikesââ¬â¢ ownership of the animal. Later the ââ¬Ëunoffendingââ¬â¢ dog is attacked and by Sikes, this shows that Sikes is very volatile, unpredictable, unstable and dangerous because he attacks his dog for no cause and acts very spontaneously with his aggressiveness. After the attacking, the dog avenges his attack it, by attacking Sikesââ¬â¢ half-boots. This shows that the dog has a bad temper and has a lot in common with his master. This eventually leads to a fight and Sikesââ¬â¢ attempted murder of the dog. This shows how malevolentsatanic Sikesââ¬â¢ can be. Sikes is a very aggressive man in his language, he ââ¬Ëblasphemesââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëcursesââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëthrustsââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëswearsââ¬â¢ This type of language is rather unpleasant, shows negative emotions to a reader. This sort of dictionspeech gives a sense of violence to the reader. When Sikes speaks to his dog he says ââ¬ËKeep quiet, you warmint! Keep quiet! ââ¬Ë Here he commands and insults, so it shows that he is violent when he talks. We know this because Dickens has used exclamation marks to show that he was talking in anger. This can also be seen when he talks to Fagan for example ââ¬Ëyou white-livered thief! ââ¬Ë This shows the anger in the voice with the use of insults and exclamatoryion phrases. marks. Sikes also seeksspeaks to Fagian with a ââ¬Ëfierce gestureââ¬â¢gestureââ¬â¢; this adds to Sikesââ¬â¢ sinister character because it suggests that again Sikes is angry and violent with his oral expression. Sikesââ¬â¢ often ââ¬Ëgrowledââ¬â¢, had a ââ¬Ëfierce sneerââ¬â¢ and speaks ââ¬Ësavage likeââ¬â¢. This further makes him look obnoxious and unhappy. These details present him as brutal, animalistic and primitive. Sikes speaks with the ââ¬Ëharshest key of a very harsh voiceââ¬â¢. This suggests that he is very unpleasant when he usually speaks. Therefore I would say that the way in which Sikesââ¬â¢ speaks shows that cruelty and ill-intent of his character. Thus from this extract we are given the impression that Sikes is incredibly evil, menacing, he is unhappy, intimidating, ferocious and volatile. This impression is reinforced later in the novel in which we look at Sikes killing his prostitute lover Nancy and the events leading up to it. It begins with Noah, repeating what he told Fagin to Sikes. Fagin ââ¬Ëcriesââ¬â¢, and says ââ¬ËTell him that, tell him that.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Organizing function of management
Organizing function of management Introduction The success of an organization is dependent on the quality, timeliness, and responsiveness of decisions made by its leaders. When managers make effective decisions that respond to the prevailing challenges, their organization enjoy high competitiveness to their competitors.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Organizing function of management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Sanchez Mahoney, 1996, managerial roles can be classified into four main categories as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling/monitoring; efficient managers are able to effectively combine the four dimensions of management for the benefit of their organization. Organizing function of management involves putting factors of production into optimal use to attain competitiveness (Sanchez Mahoney, 1996). This paper discusses the organizing function of management. Organizing function of management According to R obey Sayles, 1994, firms have human, information, physical, and financial resources; it is through the resources that they are expected to take advantage of market opportunities and mitigate any risk associated with the market. To manage and take advantage of prevailing business opportunities as well as mitigate against business risks, resources need to be managed effectively. Management have the role of enacting policies and strategies that optimally utilize their resources to add value to their customers; they have the task of optimally managing resources and ensuring that maximum gain has been derived from them. Organizing function of management ensures that activities are optimally managed; processes and allocation of factors of production are managed to produce expected results. Organizations should ensure activities are well thought and coordinated for positive results and mitigate any business threats (Robey Sayles, 1994). Van Fleet Bedeian, 1977, suggest that leaders with in an organization have the role of establishing the right channels through which their business processes should follow for the benefit of their firms. Effectively managed organizations have their resources optimally utilized and well planned to attain high results. When planning management should be in the forefront making strategies that should be followed to attain the desired result; contemporary business environment has numerous challenges that needs to be critically approached. To critically handle issues, management have the role of organizing their organisations strengths for the good of stakeholders.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Organizing is an act that results to well coordinate activities; the activities are operated in such a way that they will attain certain desired results. In the input-out analysis, managers have the role of ensuring th e inputs they have put in a process has given the desired output; in the event that some deficit have been noted, it should be the start point of remedy (Van Bedeian, 1977). Organization goals, missions, and visions can only be attained if the management organizes processes effectively; this includes undertaking input-output analysis and undertaking numerous internal and external environment analysis using management policies like S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, P.E.S.T.L.E. (Political, social, Ecological, Technological, legal, and environmental) analysis, and using porters five forces. Organizing takes the form of continuous process where the management engages in day-to-day activities and looks into the right method or process to improve the performance of the processes. When processes are undertaken effectively and expected results have been attained; management should not relax and think they have attained the optimal process; they should aim at developing other better methods of attaining their goals and objectives. Business competitiveness is attained when a company is able to enact policies that organize their processes and resources to attain low production cost, improved value, and increase human resources motivation. When a company is able to produce resources at low costs, it can sell them at relatively low costs than its competitors thus making it more competitive. On the other hand when value within an organization and its processes is improved, customers are satisfied with the products they get from the system. When customers are satisfied with the output of a company, they develop customer loyalty to the companyââ¬â¢s products which is a competitive tool. Although the three articles by Sanchez Mahoney, Van Fleet Bedeian, Robey Sayles, have emphasized the need for management to make strategic organizing decisions, all the three articles have ignored the role that staffs/human resources (subordinates) play in the organizing functions. To effectively manage resources, organizations need the right systems, and the right employees; the right employees are the ones who can assist management come up with decisions that are responsive to the organization needs. If management make quality decisions and they lack a framework through which the decision will be implemented, then the results of the quality decisions will not be good (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Organizing function of management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Managerial decisions determine the degree at which corporate goals and objective will be attained; one characteristic of effective managers is effective organization. Managers are expected to they combine human, psychical, and financial resources optimally to attain desired corporate results. When undertaking the organizing role, managers should be guided by industrial treads and undertake input-output analysis to make the right decisions. References Robey,D., Sayles, C.A.(1994). Designing organizations. Irwin: Burr Ridge. Sanchez,R., Mahoney,J.(1996). Modularity, flexibility and knowledge management in product and organization design. Strategic Management Journal, 17(1), 63-76. Van Fleet, D., Bedeian, A. (1977). A history of the span of management. Academy of management Review, 2(1), 356-375. Weygandt, J., Kimmel, P., Kieso, D. (2009). Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Skulking Way of War by Patrick M. Malone essays
The Skulking Way of War by Patrick M. Malone essays "The Skulking Way of War" is an examination of the culture of warfare of the Native Americans in Southern New England during the period of 1600-1677. This academic work is mainly a chronicle of the technological developments and advancements of the Southern New England Native tribes and how European influence and trade acted as the catalyst. Moreover, it investigates the military tactics used by the Natives during this period and how they developed over time with the arrival of the Europeans and how their influence transformed the Indian concept of war. At the beginning of this book, Malone states that technology has been the most influential component in shaping warfare from the beginning of time. It has had a dominant role in sculpting and evolving the way military's have fought and will fight wars between each other. Those who lack the technological superiority in battle will have the disadvantage, and most likely will be wiped out. Technology is a limiting factor. That is, warfare is limited by a militarys technological abilities. Malone introduces one more component that shapes warfare and is especially cardinal when examining the Southern New England Indian warfare, and that is geography. In the exploration of the transformation of Native warfare in New England, Malone integrates two major wars between the colonists and the New England Indians: the Pequot War and King Philips War. Through analysis of these two wars, a distinction can be seen in the way in which they were fought by the Indians and the true impact European technology and tactics had on Indian warfare. Before Malone dives into the real analysis, he describes the trouble in such exploration of the past and the affect it has on a study like this. Unlike the English, The Native Americans in New England had no written accounts of their lives which would help us understand truly their way of thinking when it came to warfare. Although archaeologica...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Intellectual Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intellectual Property - Essay Example The inventor of an intellectual property is not supposed to resign the company after creating a property in order to write his or her name as the inventor of that property. Intellectual property is a very important thing for any company. If a company acquires some other firm or company, it also acquires the right of intellectual property of that firm or company. For the proper protection and exploitation of intellectual property, the business owners need to be aware of how and when they created the intellectual property. Once the business owners create the intellectual property, they need to manage their intellectual property portfolio, capture and maximize value of the innovative ideas, monitor the infringements, and enforce the intellectual property rights. Intellectual property is a unique thing, which differentiates a person or a company for other people or companies. For example, a symbol or a logo is intellectual property of a company, which represents the company in the market . Unauthorized use of intellectual property has given rise to a number of court cases. Experts strongly recommend the companies to protect their intellectual properties using four different methods, which include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Thought Paper on On Huntington Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 From Page 3 to Essay
Thought Paper on On Huntington Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 From Page 3 to page 108 - Essay Example Democracies have become intricate, multi-layered systems that no longer truly function as purely representative entities through which the people wield true power. The constant push-pull between lawmakers and external actors who influence the legislative process has, particularly in the U.S., often blurred the line between the elected and non-elected. The resultant deal-making is undemocratic because it plays out behind the scenes, far from the political arena, and often places non-elected power brokers in a position of control over elected representatives. ââ¬Å"If these democratically elected decision makers become, however, simply a facade for the exercise of much greater power by a non-Democratically chosen group then clearly that political system is not democraticâ⬠(Huntington, 10). In the U.S., special interest groups, lobbyists, and privatized government services, many of which are co-opted into government agencies, are at the very heart of the Democratic process and of ten behave in ways that run counter to the notion of purely representative government. Bureaucracy In the U.S., the governmental bureaucracy is a powerfully entrenched, often insidious force. The sheer size, scope and complexity of bureaucracy overwhelms the average American Democracy Behind the Scenes 3 citizenââ¬â¢s ability to comprehend how it functions vis a vis elected officials. This enables individual segments of the bureaucracy to play out their roles and impact the business of Democracy in ways that are not directly responsible to the public. Over the past 50 years, most presidential candidates, particularly Republicans, have made ââ¬Å"big governmentâ⬠a cause celebre, campaigning against a vague yet politically effective concept. But what fails to attract the attention of these candidates, or the people who vote for them, is that the big government to which they refer is not governed in a truly Democratic fashion. The business that takes place in bureaucratic org anizations plays out beyond the scope of elective politics and, as such, does not involve the voters. Nevertheless, the outcomes of these bureaucratic activities generally affect citizens quite directly. Americans exhibit a characteristically contradictory attitude towards bureaucracy in that they expect government to be sensitive and responsive to their needs, yet often decry what is considered undue influence wielded by professional bureaucrats. Such unrealistic expectations reflect a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of bureaucracy in a democracy, though it does not obscure the fact that the work that goes on within the bureaucracy takes place far from the public gaze and so can be considered inherently undemocratic. Regardless of the party or administration in charge, successful Democracies are inextricably linked to bureaucracy through their need for functional efficiency, which in the modern world relies heavily on a strong bureaucracy. The work that goes into the refinement and enacting of policy goes on behind closed doors. Democracy Behind the Scenes 4 Special interest groups Special interest groups present a unique challenge to Democracy in that they represent a subtle, imperceptible erosion of checks and balances within the political system. Interest groups have long held a presence on the American political scene, but their influence on the body politic reached
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