Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Alexander Chabanyuk

Any form of exchanging information between people or groups of people is referred to as communication. For any cooperate to achieve effective organizational change, internal communication is very important. Research indicates that employees in lower levels are usually ignored while making organization’s decisions. It was also found out that the employees become alienated especially when the decision is aimed at initiating a change in the organization. As a way of fostering employee productivity, effective internal communication is therefore very important.This does not downplay the vital role of external communication in an organization but both must be balanced. The up and down or horizontal internal communication- as in the case of Vodafone- helps the employees in understanding what they are expected of them and taking the necessary steps in ensuring their work is completed on time. (http://www. thetimes100. co. uk/downloads/vodafone/vodafone_12_full. pdf ) Internal communic ation can also be verbal or written. The vital role of internal communication involves explaining organization’s values, culture as well as visions to employees for them to make informed decisions.It will also strengthen employee relationship and enhance their sense of belonging. For example; ‘eVelopers internal communication system was developed and implemented to ensure that all employees are informed about all corporate policies, strategies, decisions, updates, news, changes, etc. and properly apply them, increasing the efficacy of company performance. ’ http://www. evelopers. com/qm5 This paper examines cooperate meetings as one of the internal communication processes in an organization. Participant selectionCooperate meetings have proofed to be very successful especially where the organization succeeds to invite the right participants. This can be done by conducting extensive consultations with the employees from different departments in an organization. Thi s will however depend on the reason as to why the meeting should be held. After making a decision about whom to invite, it is very important for them to be briefed on the purpose of the meeting. They should also be informed on where, when, the expected participants and where to make further enquiries if they needed to do so.It was found out that the conditions or the environment surrounding the meeting’s venue highly determines whether the meeting will be a success or not. The venue should be comfortable enough to win the concentration of the participants. When setting the date and time care should be taken to ensure that every participant is comfortable. Religious, gender and cultural diversity among the employees should be considered, failure to which the participants may pay little or no attention to the proceedings of the meeting.True representation of the organization in the meeting should be demonstrated by including employees or their representatives from all departmen ts. (http://www. managementhelp. org/misc/mtgmgmnt. htm ; Quirke B, 2000, pp. 25-61) Agenda development The meetings agenda should be made known to all expected participants. Research indicates that no effective meetings agenda can be developed without adequate consultations among all the concerned parties. The key participants should help in identifying feasible outcomes and what ought to be done to ensure the identified target outcomes are reached.It is very important for every meeting to have an overall outcome. For instance, increasing sales, improving quality of products or service, conflict resolution, management and transformation, and introducing change among others. The agenda should clearly indicate how the participants should be kept busy especially those who arrive earlier than stated. It is very important to ensure that all topics are listed together with their respective action or expected output. Opening meetings Punctuality is always very important in any meeting.Mee tings should therefore start on the scheduled time. Acknowledging the presence of participants who dedicate their time to attend the meeting encourages them and enhances the sense of meaning in whatever goes on in the meeting. It is also very important to review the meeting’s agenda in order to consider any possibility of making any amendments. Meeting participation and evaluation Every one should be given an opportunity to participate actively. This can be done through use of questions, opinions, votes, demonstrations and individual presentations.Discursions should revolve around the agenda items. The meetings should be made as lively as possible to help the participants to open up and give their views without fear or favor. The appropriate momentum should be maintained. Participants should be asked to evaluate the progress of the meeting from time to time in order to ensure the correct pace is maintained. An effective meeting must be successfully concluded. Participant conf identiality must be guaranteed. Soon after conclusion, the overall evaluation must be done.This will help in setting a date for another meeting if need be and decide on its agendas. Proceedings of the meetings should be recorded and every participant should get a copy at the end of the meeting. Further development Even though cooperate meetings have been held by many organizations over the past, there is still need to improve them in order to reap their full benefits. It is very unfortunate that the physically challenged have been neglected during cooperates meetings.The deaf and the dump should not be ignored. Sign language should be introduced in order to enable such people with special needs to follow what the other participants are doing. Departmental meetings should be held before the actual meetings in order to bring the employees from a particular department together. This will save time and ensure that a true reflection of the status of the organization is portrayed. Meeting s involving many participants should be held in a room with adequate facilities but not in the open air.Some organizations address their employees in open-air meetings and their intention is not met due to disruptions from external factors. Audiovisual gadgets should be introduced to enable people to participate even from their offices. This will ensure that incase some senior officers are not able to attend -simply because they are out for other cooperate duties –they can participate in the meeting and provide appropriate responses when asked to. Since meetings are expensive, such a decision will reduce the number of meetings held especially when an urgent problem solution is required.This can be made possible by the use intranet. (Klein A, 2004, pp. 59) Depending on the purpose of the meeting, thorough consultations should be carried out from every department to ensure all underlying issues are tabled before the meeting. It is also good to invite at least one representative from those departments that are thought to be less concerned because an issue affecting a particular department affects the organization at large and needs cooperation in seeking for a long-lasting solution.It is expected that, in the future, cooperate meetings may take another dimensions and be transformed into be Parliamentary Procedures, which will involve the use of parliamentary laws. (http://www. jimslaughter. com/corporate. htm ) These parliamentary laws can be defined as; â€Å"the best method yet devised to enable assemblies of any size, with due regard for every member’s opinion, to arrive at the general will on the maximum number of questions of varying complexity in a minimum amount of time and under all kinds of internal climate ranging from total harmony to hardened or impassioned division of opinion.† http://www. jimslaughter. com/corporate. htm Conclusion Internal communication must however include all the other forms of internal communication processe s in order to ensure smooth running of the organization. These processes may be used interchangeably in order to ensure that information reaches the intended person at the correct time to enable proper action to be taken. References Slaughter, J. (1998). Better, More Legal Corporate Meetings. [Retrieved] 24th July, 2008, [From] http://www. jimslaughter. com/corporate. htm McNamara, C.(1997). Basic Guide to Conducting Effective Meetings. [Retrieved] 23rd July, 2008, [From] http://www. managementhelp. org/misc/mtgmgmnt. htm Communications. [Retrieved] 23rd July, 2008, [From] http://www. thetimes100. co. uk/downloads/vodafone/vodafone_12_full. pdf Evelopers, Quality manual: Internal Communication. [Retrieved] 24th July, 2008, [From] http://www. evelopers. com/qm5 Klein A, 2004, Adoption von electronic meeting systems, DUV Accessed from Amazon. com Quirke B, 2000, Making the connections, Gower Publishing, Ltd

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Focault- Discipline and Punish

Table of Contents Introduction2 Brief Overview2 Main arguments of discipline and Punish4 †¢Power4 †¢Prisons as part of civilisation4 †¢Punishment5 †¢The Body and Soul5 Evaluation of Discipline and Punish6 Conclusion7 ? Introduction: M. Foucault. 1975. Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison. New York: Random House Inc. Below is an in depth book review of Discipline and Punish, The Birth of the Prison. The author who compiled the analysis on this is Michel Foucault, whom provided enlightenment on many different aspects of sociology and philosophy- many which are still immensely relevant to societies today.I will be using this book review to channel an outline of Foucault’s work, viewpoints and purposes as such. Along with this I will include my personal critique of my literary experience of the book. I will consider important factors of logic, coherence, evidence, expertise and originality. These specified fields are all crucial to useful and meaningf ul sociological theories. In brief, my aim is to clarify the argument presented by Foucault and provide my account of its validity. Brief Overview:Michel Foucault’s, Discipline and Punish, provides the reader of the historical timeline which ends at the institution of imprisonment that most modern societies have adopted today. The just of his intentions for the book are presented in the first section. Much of this includes his aim which is to trace the penal system back to its roots in order to define and identify its significance in the present. These roots begin in the seventeenth century. Here public torture and execution prevailed as the form of punishment.As aspects of society changed, especially power structures, so did this system of punishment- much like in an evolutionary manner. At this point it is probably important to highlight that a better alternative to the concept of the penal timeline, is rather a cycle- thus making visible the state it was in at birth and pl otting its journey to maturity. The model of the prison is not yet a comprehendible result or solution in the beginning sections. Punishments were rather inhumane and gruesome methods of torture and execution which were â€Å"public spectacles†. The point of this was the solidification of the power figures amongst their people.This notion of power stirred amongst people who were ultimately discontent with the inefficiency of these structures. Whilst attempting to resolve this, a â€Å"reform† was created. Sadly, the preoccupation of the reform blinded people to the inhumanity, suffering and pain being brought upon these so-called criminals. Following this we see the transition to private and secret forms of punishment which was cut-off from public visibility. Coercive practices resulted in submissive criminals, with credit given to new techniques established by adapting and altering out-dated methods.The separation and the shift of focus from the body to the soul were early defining factors of the modern system. These also form an immensely important theme that is recurrent throughout the book. Foucault’s theoretical cycle of the penal system then moves on to preparation of criminals for their lives after incarceration and attempts to reintroduce these people back into society as respectable civilians. Considering noted critiques on this section, it remains unclear as to whether this was successful at its time of occurrence.An issue arising along with this stage is that of judgement- who is qualified to pass judgement and what standards are used for comparison? Finally, in the closing sections of the book we reach the heart of the book where we see the introduction of the first prison- highly influenced by the panoptic, and the penultimate stage which Foucault dates February 22, 1840. This date marks the success of the first carceral system which â€Å"perfected† the failures and short-comings of all the previous phases. Currently t his institution has embedded itself in society and is the back-bone of order, laws and norms.The fact that at the moment there is no better alternatives to this, offers the assumption that the modern penal system has succeeded or human sciences are still advancing in order to further evolve current organisation- hence my prior labelling of this phase the â€Å"penultimate†. I feel that the purpose of the book is to inform the reader on a long list of various facets relating to sociology. These include the carceral system, the classical period, discipline, norms, power and penalty- to mention only a few. These all have significant importance in human sciences.My reaction or evaluation will conclude that Foucault has cleverly addressed establishments in sociology whilst using the penal system as a commonality to provide a practical sample- which in turn favours the readers understanding of sociology in general. The audience for this theoretical work is most likely to target sch olars of human sciences and philosophy. It may also spark interests of inquiries into the classical period given its historical flair. Main arguments of Discipline and Punish: Power: Foucault uses power as a central point of reference for punishing.All or most aspects of the book revolve around this, or come back to it at a point. According to him, as power structures change, so does the penal system. It adapts to requirements. In the section of the book titled â€Å"Body of the condemned†, we see how torture and punishment was used to reinforce the power of the sovereign. Knowledge is also important to power, because it is seen as the support for power. Those with greater knowledge, tend to yield or accumulate greater power. â€Å"Power produces knowledge . . . power and knowledge directly imply one another . . . here is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations. † Foucault describes that power can range from modifying ones self-control to complete coercion. It is embedded in society and all relations. As long as power relations exist, there will always be inherent authority and control. Here we see the effects of the â€Å"power to judge†. Those possessing power and knowledge use their controls on society to establish norms whereby they evaluate the actions of people.Post-judgement and examination incarceration is determined by how far the perpetrator strays from â€Å"normal†. In Foucault’s opinion, society has allowed sceptic officials to take the power to judge- people such as medical professionals, psychologists, etc. In essence, it is argued that power controls society, yet it cannot be controlled. Prison as a part of civilisation: It is emphasised time and time again throughout the book that the prison is part of society and the two cannot be separated. Prison is based on the judicial system (laws and rules governing our daily lives), which is embedded and weaved into society.Often Foucault mentions prisons along with institutions such as schools, hospitals and armies etc. They are all organised using the same framework of control and judgement- which emphasizes his stance that it is a part of society. The penal system of prison is too far incorporated into our lives to deny the connection which exists. Punishment: â€Å"The art of punishing must rest on a whole technology of representation† Foucault argues that each punishment should teach a lesson. It should not only take away a delinquents liberty and freedom, it should make them work, keep them active, enforce good habits.Prior to this, the penalty should correlate with the crime committed in order to create relevance. It need not be an attempt to control the body, but rather install regulation directed at achieving a goal- such as reintegration into community after incarceration. Discipline must be continuo us and must take the role of coercion. This we see from Foucault that it can be done using timetables and ranks- here differentiation of various series is important. The Body and Soul: Punishment was initially assigned to the physical body using methods of torture for example.In addition to this, the body could be used to stir fear amongst people during public executions. The body and the visible are reinforcing factors. However, with the changes in power, the body is no longer a target of direct punishment. The body now, as Foucault says, is supervised, controlled and organised. Although the body is replaced with the soul, it will still share an adjacent bond with punishment. Foucault argues that he produces a â€Å"genealogical account for the modern soul†- meaning that he intends to identify where the soul originated. There are two factors to this process in Discipline and Punish.First it is what is revised above- is the soul takes over from the body as the directive for p unishment. Secondly, the shift from body to soul and the new methods of discipline have ultimately generated or created the soul. Unlike the body, there are no limits to how you can penalize the soul. Evaluation of Discipline and Punish: Firstly, I will start by commenting on the extent to which the book achieves its desired goal. Foucault initially wanted to provide a power of speech for those confined to a discourse. This includes those who do not have the knowledge required to accumulate power.I feel that their issues have been brought to light, however the reasons exceeding this is for the purpose of gaining insight into the functioning of society in sociological terms. This does not give attention to their possibly ambiguous labelling of being â€Å"abnormal†. They have purely become a vessel to greater knowledge. Foucault rejected norms as positive determinants. It was seen by him as negative and oppressive. The unusual phenomenon is not a natural process instinctually followed by humans. Foucault strived to highlight this irregularity through his book.However, when commenting on individuality (which opposes norms) there is an inherent negative notion towards the concept. What then, if against norms and individuality, does Foucault conceptualise as an alternative? This is a possible indication of an argument which is incoherent and conflicting. Ultimately, as we see towards Foucault’s final sections, that his intention was not to ignite conspiracy and doubt in the minds if the reader regarding the prison, but rather to create understanding of its operation and the factors contributing to its processes.This was done with the utmost success. The historical context and actual case studies used provide valid and convincing confirmation. His views at this point are adequately supported. In terms of possibilities suggested by the book Foucault leaves us with the premise that the carceral system is very destructive in more ways than one. He also p rovides a new way for us to think of this system- as strong and highly powerful. We see that Foucault is optimistic toward change- thus highlighting prospective opportunities for the carceral system as well as the human sciences as a whole.The subject matter of the book has to this day not received further research- nothing of such extensive significance. Foucault has successfully provided us with a realistic account into the historical penal system and at the same time addressed common topics in sociology- much like his section on individualism. The material available to us regarding the penitentiary system tends to focus on specific regions or prisons-commonly those in the United States. A book which is well versed on the issue at hand is Situational Prison Control by Richard Hartley. However, it still does not divulge into the history and â€Å"birth† of the phenomenon.Foucault successfully identified a research topic which was in need of attention and enlightenment. I fee l an aspect Foucault neglected to focus on was future summations for the penal system and all it entails. We do not see any of his suggestions for possible ways forward or resolutions to the problems that exist. He has a tendency throughout the book, to highlight many downfalls yet no solutions. A few of personal proposals would have stimulated the readers thinking, ultimately opening doors for advancement for progress. Along with the above, I feel there is a lot that needs to be said on social divides amongst society.Foucault briefly touches on classes and social and economic situation but almost immediately redirected the train of thought. There is more to various demographics which influence all institutions throughout societies. Foucault failed to report on this and the way that their changes affect power relations and ultimately the penal system. Some of these demographics may include gender, age, race and ethnicity. Conclusion: I constantly referred back to specific criteria w hen considering the main arguments or theories of Discipline and Punish. This was helpful in concluding my opinion on whether Foucault has successfully argued his theory.My review concludes that a good research problem was identified and stated. The causes of this were also made apparent to the reader. Foucault carefully planned the way he would take-on this topic by testifying clear and concise points of view. At times it felt as though the argument was not coherent in that it would jump from one context to another. However, the main arguments and themes- such as the body and the soul were constantly referred to. This redeemed coherence with a well tied together and relevant argument- especially in the last section where everything is positioned into place.The evidence Foucault uses to elaborate his views and arguments are sufficient to enhance the validity of his study and specific arguments. He often provides actual occurrences in history- much like his introduction reporting on Damien’s execution in 1757 and referring to the opening of Mettray prison colony. Extensive referencing has been made available allowing further validation of facts. This in turn contributes to his ability to convince and persuade. Michel Foucault most definitely possessed the right attributes and expertise to work on this research problem.He had extensive training and experience in human sciences, from which he created his career. His direct encounters with the penal systems and prisons also granted him access to knowledge not readily available to others- thus making his expertise relative to the issue at hand. Keeping the short-comings I have mentioned in mind, I feel that Foucault’s arguments are valid and they all have been researched to the point where its concrete significance cannot be denied. Their continued relevance over the years supports my conclusion and it has in general been presented in a clear and concise manner.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Color of Paradise and Other Movies Movie Review

The Color of Paradise and Other Movies - Movie Review Example The film â€Å"Paradise Now » develops into a thriller when something goes wrong during the early stages of the plan’s execution. Said and Khaled become separated and Jamal is convinced that Said may be betraying the cause. This movie is a tough film because of what it attempts to do, which is in regards to the fact that it is a rare thing for a movie to present events of the Arab/Israeli struggle from the Palestinian side, where terrorists are viewed as ‘martyrs’ and ‘freedom fighters’ instead of killers. This movie is certainly one of speculation and possible great controversy, and yet regardless is brave for dealing with such sensitive and so-called ‘faux-pas’ issues. Trois Couleurs: Bleu is a movie of great interest. The director and writer, Krzysztof Kieslowski, tells the story in this film from the perspective of Julie (Juliette Binoche), which necessarily makes the film very dark and introspective. Overall, in the end, the story of this film isn’t a terribly ambitious one, but at the same time it remains devilishly interesting and enjoyable and maintains a slow burn throughout which leads to an explosive finale. This movie is one of a complex psychological study of emotional liberty. The plot is that Julie, wife of the famous composer Patrice de Courcy, must cope with the death of her husband and daughter in an automobile accident which only she herself survives. While recovering in the hospital, Julie even attempts suicide in her distraught stage. For the remainder of the film, she devotes herself to mental suicide, disassociating herself from all of her past memories and distancing herself from former friendships. Visually, the director uses many techniques in order to properly portray the sense of loss and Julie’s internal conflict – both of which are primary topics of the issue in this film. As Julie watches the funeral for her husband and daughter from her hospital bed, the dark shadow of her finger caresses the tiny casket on the screen. This movie is one of a certain emotion, and a number of critics rate this film as one of the great motion pictures of all time.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Reccession of 2008 and Great depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reccession of 2008 and Great depression - Essay Example HSBC which is the global largest bank wrote down its holdings of subprime mortgage backed securities by $ 10.5 billion while more than other 100 mortgages companies were either shut down or suspended their operations.US and European Banks lost more than $ 1 trillion on toxic assets during the financial crisis. Northern Rock which was a British bank, was highly leveraged could not obtain credit in the financial markets. Bear Stearns collapsed in March 2008. Other financial institutions made bad losses and were subject to government take over. Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG made a lot of losses during the crisis (Halm-Addo 4). Various limits to arbitrage can help explain why assets were selling below their fundamental level at the height of the financial crisis. Constrains to short selling does not account for the assets selling below their fundamental prices. Short selling was evident since investors made speculative short sale bets against the financial assets which made the prices to decline. For instance, short selling led to drop in the value of Lehman Brothers stocks. US Securities and Exchange Commission imposed at temporary ban on short selling since it this method of trading reduced the market confidence and the stability of financial assets (Halm-Addo 40). The â€Å"too big to fail† notion led to moral hazards, bail outs and increased the Fed’s balance sheet. Adverse selection was not caused by the notion of â€Å"too big to fail†. The notion created moral hazard since the financial institutions engaged in predatory lending like Countrywide Financial which advertised low interest rate loans for home refinancing. The notion made banks to borrow short term in liquid markets and purchase long term illiquid assets which were risky. The notion led to the bail out where $ 700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program was created to rescue the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Significance of Motives and the Role of Duty in Morality in Kants Essay

The Significance of Motives and the Role of Duty in Morality in Kants Work - Essay Example This study outlines that Kant defines the right motive as doing the right thing, doing one’s duty and respecting the moral law in the process. In other words, to be rational is to constantly have the right motive/good will. Most important to morality, according to Kant, is thus a good will that makes people to automatically do their duty. Kant’s philosophy on morality was based on what he referred to as the â€Å"Categorical Imperative† (CI), which bases morality on a standard of rationality. â€Å"Formulations of the CI bring together the perspectives of one who seeks to act on principles that all others could share and one who seeks to act on principles that that respect all others’ capacities to act.†. In other words, to violate the CI is tantamount to immorality. In fact, other philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes agreed with Kant on this perception of morality, especially his basing of morality on the CI standards of rationality. F rom this paper it is clear that the fundamental of morality as contained in the CI is the law of an autonomous will and a self-governing reasoning in which people are viewed as possessing equal worth and as deserving equal respect. A rather useful work of Kant’s on morality is â€Å"The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals†. It covered morality-related issues like the aims and methods of moral philosophy, good will, moral worth and duty and duty and respect for moral law, among others. In later writings such as â€Å"The Critique of Practical Reason†, â€Å"The Metaphysics of Morals†, â€Å"Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View† and â€Å"Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason† he would later refine, develop, modify and enrich some of his views in this piece of work. Deductions from Kant’s Ideas There are two core and interesting conclusions that may be deduced from Kant’s ideas about morality and good will. Fir st, under no circumstances should people consider their morality as something they could just lose or forfeit in exchange for personal desires. In fact, â€Å"desirable traits such as courage, perseverance and cleverness may lose their values and get diminished or sacrificed in certain circumstances† .

Friday, July 26, 2019

Seminar in Criminology - Discussion 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seminar in Criminology - Discussion 8 - Essay Example Morton’s defense team and thus his defense was at a disadvantage. If the judge had ensured that all evidence collected was also presented to the defense team the wrongful conviction might have been avoided. Although there can really never be enough compensation for the years Mr. Morton spent in prison after the wrongful conviction, some monetary compensation is necessary to show the mercy of the state. In my opinion, the state would have compensated Mr. Morton monetary wise for the years he spent in prison and educate his children to the highest levels. The monetary compensation by the state should have been double Mr. Morton’s earnings per year multiplied by the 25 years. The research conducted by Bedau and Radelet in Chapter 5 made recommendations that led to the decrease in wrongful convictions and that reforms in criminal prosecutions. The research has led to creation of policies and organizations to help in reducing wrongful convictions. Today, there are many non-profit organizations that research into such cases focusing on wrongful convictions (Thistlethwaite & Wooldredge, 2014). In my opinion these reforms by Bedau and Radelet have been very critical in improving the justice system in the United States since it has reduced the over reliance on DNA

Chose one for me 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chose one for me 1 - Essay Example The federal government is better able to keep emergency highly expensive and specialized resources. The fact is that each state only has a major emergency very rarely, and that it would be incredibly inefficient for each state to keep disaster resources. The resources would inevitably drift into unimportance during a particularly tight budget year in which a disaster has not occurred for a long period of time, and then would be neglected and cut. A disaster would then hit, demonstrating how much those resources are needed, and people would suffer. The United States can collectively keep those resources available much more efficiently because the country as a whole has to deal with emergencies much more than particular states ever would. Finally, pushing more responsibilities onto already cash-strapped states would be incredibly dangerous and irresponsible. Liberal commentators love to point to major events such as the recent hurricane Sandy as absolute proof that it would be more than impossible to limit the size of government without making drastic changes and harming people who need help. The problem is, however, that the liberals’ logic is often twisted and contorted beyond recognition. One of the biggest logical problems with liberals is their constant insistence that pushing more service provision onto the budgets of already beleaguered states would be unacceptable. The problem with this logic is that it misses the point entirely: states should be collecting a broader share of the taxes *and* giving more of the services. Obviously one without the other would be ludicrous, but pretending that transferring a lot of responsibilities to the states without also cutting federal taxes (and thus letting states charge higher taxes) is a possibility shows how broken the liberal’s argument is. They cannot even imagine shrinking the federal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Urban economics homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Urban economics homework - Assignment Example b) Utilities are a typical household expense that can drive a person’s monthly expenses up or down, depending on the season. Therefore, it is not possible that all the 50 residents can have the same level of utility. c) Capitalization causes the equilibrium, and the price per unit housing may differ following the fact that, equilibrium between the two jurisdictions, and poor households are the majority in the inner parts of an urban area where they vote for a low public service level. At the same time in the suburbs, the majority households are rich and they vote high public service. However, the commuting cost, land prices, and income can adjust making both case of households indifferent between jurisdictions. a) In respect to the household wealth complements, people prefer to live in communities with a higher level of public good and higher taxes than others. The economic intuition for this behavior can be attributed to the source and level of income that a households gets on a monthly base or annually. This would differentiate between the two types of household (Balchin, Paul, David Isaac, and Jean). b) As mentioned earlier in case 1 the utility level depends on a season. Again the amount of income comes in where by high income earners utility level is likely to be high compared to that of low income earner. c) The equilibrium level in terms of price per house cannot remain constant. This is because factors such as the commuting cost, land prices, income, environmental conditions, security, house demand and the quality of a those house units keeps on changing. d) It is unlikely that the wage level between the two types of households is the same following the fact that households with above-average income pay high taxes than they get while households with inferior than average income get more than their tax liability. Households with higher incomes demand more of the public good, they are likely to pay high taxes due to rising income if

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understand the basics of business operations Week one Essay

Understand the basics of business operations Week one - Essay Example Organizations that lack organization and clear management policies are likely to face problems. Having everything in order in the organization is likely to bring proper communication and understanding. New ideas and concepts will always present themselves in this day and age. It is, therefore, crucial to stay on top of things to ensure success. The need to have operations managers is rising. This ensures the productivity efficiency in the organization stays at the top (Wagner, 2012). Organizing how things operate and move is an enormous responsibility for those who take up the mantle of operations manager. However, it is a task anyone ready for a challenge will gladly take. To prosper in business operations, one requires skills and aptitude to execute the responsibilities at hand. This is regardless of the business he/she is undertaking. These skills are beneficial because they help in creating quality operations, which leads to the provision of quality products and services. Through business operations, people in charge get to understand every subdivision and department in the organization, and help to ensure everything runs smoothly (Wagner, 2012). In conclusion, business operations are fundamental in the growth of an organization. Business operations have to help an organization compete globally; therefore, there must be the introduction of experts into the operations department. They can shape the organization’s operations to suit their every requirement, hence; offering consumers what they want, and providing themselves with the right amount of profit from all

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Crisis Prevention & intervention in healthcare (management of Essay

Crisis Prevention & intervention in healthcare (management of assualtive behavior) - Essay Example The meaning of crisis can be expanded by defining crisis, assaultive behavior and violence. According to Aguilera (1998, p. 12), crisis occur when a person is unable to deal with problems that do not have a way out. The unresolved problems give way to anger, emotional unrest, tension, anxiety and stagnation. Chou et al (2001, p. 139) notes that, assaultive behavior happens if the problem becomes persistent. The issues the person bears become intolerable because the coping methods and accessible resources are inadequate. Crisis is viewed as a psychological instability that result from extreme situation or condition where the resolution is not attainable by means of common remedies. Crisis is a word used to define to a situation where assaultive behavior or violence has occurred. Crisis is used to refer to assaultive behavior when it is extremely negative, unpredictable, uncontrollable and unacceptable in the society. Assaultive behavior requires an opportunity that the person in crisis can use to inflict injury or abuse another as Chou et al (2001, p. 139) mention. Violence is defined as the use of physical force with a motive to inflict injury. It is destructive, turbulent and forceful. Violence causes confusion and reveals accumulation of anger (Richter and Whittington 2006, p. 2). The word crisis, violence and assaultive behavior are used interchangeably. Assaultive behavior can occur anywhere including the hospital. Medical departments have incidents that tantamount to assaultive behavior. The incidents of assaultive behavior in medical departments are on the increase and need to be addressed. Crisis in the form of verbal abuse and physical abuse have occurred in different departments. The waiting area, mentally disturbed departments and emergency departments are common areas where abuse can occur as Salmon and Varela (2007, p. 3) note. People without any history of assaultive behavior or psychiatric condition can suddenly become

Monday, July 22, 2019

Negetive Effects of Technology Essay Example for Free

Negetive Effects of Technology Essay In this century that we are living, there are many different ways to communicate and interact with the people we need. New developed technologies have made our lives much easier than the old days. Many people prefer to look at a screen and explore new things, do our homework, chat with our close ones, listen to a song, watch a movie, buy new clothes and so on. These are the things that we can do. Moreover, it saves time and money. One of the important decisions we make is to work at home in front of a computer. However, high developed technology has disadvantages like if we look at a screen it is bad for you health, we do not know if it is true and guaranteed for hundred percent. First, when we speak of the impact of technology on society, we always talk about the positive effects of technology and about how technology has made life easy. We talk about the Internet as an information resource and a communication platform and conveniently ignore the fact that an overexposure to it leads to Internet addiction. We often discuss how technology has made life easy but easily forget that it has made us overly dependent on it. see more:is technology making us lazy Have you thought of the impact of technology from this point of view? I am sure, most of you havent. Let us look at this aspect of technology here. People will (and are beginning to) miss out on face-to-face contact and thus their social skills will decline. It is possible that after decades of having no, or extremely limited human contact, that we will loose the ability to read body language. This could cause all sorts of misunderstandings and problems. Secondly, depending on a screen rather than meeting face-to-face is very bad for health. It will make our spine back ill. Sitting for long hours and looking to a screen also makes our eye bad. When i was little i played and watched movies on a computer for long hours because it is was fun. Since then my eye kept getting bad and i had to wear glasses. It really annoys me a lot when i play basketball and to run in the morning. Whats more, four days ago my back hurt because school started and i have been sitting for long hours and been looking at a computer screen Having limited human contact will cause us to have even less trust in others, and in turn, we will be even less friendly and even more stand-offish. Thirdly, for people who do their works by using the internet has also bad sides to the society. We are getting lazy and not going outside for a walk. Our movement gets limited only in our home. Also, it is making the person isolated from the society outside which the he or she is might become lonely just communicating with the computer. My best friends big brother doesnt have any friends to go out with because he spends all of his time on he computer. I think it is a very bad habit for him to get isolated from the real life. Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. Life of the common man was not as luxurious as that of modern times, but he was more active. Exercise was integrated into routine physical activities. It was contrary to the sedentary lifestyle of today, which leaves no time for exercise and fills days with inactivity and laze. Today we dont want to, and thanks to technology, dont even need to, walk, move around or exert physically to get things done. We have the world is at our fingertips. We think of technology as a boon to society. I am afraid; its not completely a boon. The Internet has bred many unethical practices like hacking, spamming and phishing. Internet crime is on the rise. The Internet, being an open platform lacks regulation. There is no regulation on the content displayed on websites. Internet gambling has become an addiction for many students. Overexposure to the Internet has taken its toll. In this virtual world, you can be who you are not, you can be virtually living even after you die. Isnt this weird? Children are spending all their time playing online and less or almost no time playing on the ground. Youngsters are spending most of their time social networking, missing on the joys of real social life. Moreover, we have become excessively dependent on technology. Is so much of dependency good? Is it right to rely on machines to such an extent? Is it right to depend on computers rather than relying on human intellect? Computer technology and robotics are trying to substitute for human intellect. With the fast advancing technology, we have started harnessing artificial intelligence in many fields. Where is the digital divide going to take us? How is our tomorrow going to be? Machines replacing human beings does not portray a rosy picture, does it? It can lead to serious issues like unemployment and crime. An excessive use of machines in every field can result in an nder-utilization of human brains. Over time, we may even lose our intellectual abilities. You know of the declining mathematical abilities in students due to use of calculators since school, dont you? In conclusion, as technology is getting better people are trying to make their work easy and fast. From this we become lazy, weak and ill. It makes our immune system go bad and we have the ability to get the diseases fast. From all the examples above it shows face-to-face contact is still necessary in our lives and society.

Review Of Cruise Tourism And Malaysia Tourism Essay

Review Of Cruise Tourism And Malaysia Tourism Essay Cruise Tourism is one of the major growth areas of world tourism Peisley, 1992; Hobson, 1993; Cruise Lines International Association, 1995. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit: There seems little doubt that, by the turn of the century, cruising will be firmly established as one of the worlds major tourism industries with significant markets in North America, the UK, Europe and Asia. The total number of annual passengers will have reached 8 million plus Cruising is the fastest-growing sector of the international holiday scene (The Passenger Shipping Association, 2003). Cruise tourism can be defined as the use of ships for pleasure cruising and not merely for transportation (UNWTO, 1997). Ocean and coastal cruise tourism is unique in the manner in which it provides a combination of transportation, accommodation, entertainment, retail and destination services. Cruise liners can be regarded as floating resort facilities, which have the major advantage of seasonal repositioning. From its predominantly Caribbean base, cruise tourism has spread across the world, increasing ports of call in all regions. As well as this, river and canal cruising has grown rapidly, particularly in Europe and China. The cruise industry is growing, expanding and accessing new markets by, in part, bringing into reach a diversity of popular and successful destinations that are new for cruise tourism, by exploiting previously under-utilised ports (Younger, 2003). 2.1.1 The cruise industry The growth of the cruise market throughout the world, and perhaps more notably in the United Kingdom (UK) has been one of the most remarkable phenomena of the 1990s (Wild Dearing, 2000). The cruise industry is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry achieving more than 2,100 percent growth since 1970, when an estimated 500,000 people took a cruise. Industry estimates are that 13.5 million people took a cruise vacation in 2009, with a total of 14.3 million passengers forecasted to sail in 2010. (Cruise Lines International Association [CLIA], 2010). In early 2001, 64 new and larger capacity ships were in production, expanding passenger capacities by 35%. More than 50% of these ships are dedicated to the United States tourism market and are now operating throughout the Caribbean (Sparrow, 2004). The cruise industrys growth is also reflected in its expanding guest capacity. Nearly 40 new ships were built in the 1980s and during the 1990s, nearly 80 new ships debuted. By the end of 2009, over 100 new ships were introduced since 2000, with 12 new vessels on the way for 2010. (CLIA, 2010) These new vessels carry more passengers, more crew, generate more waste and consume more goods and services. 2.2 Theoretical Framework According to Weaver and Oppermann (2000), tourism is a complex phenomenon involving many actors and interactive factors. Some of the actors are tourists, tour operators, cruise lines and airlines. To be able to understand the complicated nature of the tourism industry, a system based approach is suitable. Leipers tourism model can be used as the theoretical framework as it views tourism as a form of a system in which there is an operational structure built up of interacting components. Leiper who was an early supporter of the adoption of a systems approach towards understanding tourism defined tourism as: . . . the system involving the discretionary travel and temporary stay of persons away from their usual place of residence for one or more nights, excepting tours made for the primary purpose of earning remuneration from points en route. The elements of the system are tourists, generating regions, transit routes, destination regions and a tourist industry. These five elements are arranged in spatial and functional connections. Having the characteristics of an open system, the organisation of five elements operates within broader environments: physical, cultural, social, economic, political, technological with which it interacts. The components of the tourism system are shown in the model below (fig 1.1). This whole tourism system approach helps to organise our knowledge about tourism and its relationship with cruises. Leipers approach was to try and understand destinations, generating areas, transit zones, the environment and flows within the context of a wider tourism system rather than seeing them as separate independent entities. In the model there are three interactive components: (i) the tourism generating region, (ii) the destination region and (iii) transit routes which link the two regions. It is evident that transport forms an integral part of the tourism system by linking the tourist generating and destination regions together. Collier (1994) classifies tourism transport on several bases (e.g. public or private sector transport, water/land/air transport; domestic and international transport and mode of transport). Cruise tourism is considered as a system in which cruisers and operators are major actors. The tourism-generating region and the destination region are linked together through cruising which is also a tourism product. This makes cruise ships a unique form of tourism transport. People go on a cruise more than they go to a place. And yet their major competition is not other forms of transport but real places. As Morrison et al. (1996: 15) put it: Instead of competing with the airlines, the cruise lines have become their partners and now compete with destinations, resorts, and other vacation alternatives. The cruise ship itself has become a floating resort providing the maximum possible leisure and entertainment facilities. However Leipers model has been criticized for being simplistic (Prosser, 1998). Prosser provided a more detailed model that, he claimed, represents more effectively the inner complexities of the tourism environment. 2.3 SWOT analysis for Mauritius SWOT is an acronym where the letters stand for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is a commonly used analytical tool in business environments that has become firmly established in the literature of strategic management (Evans, et al. 2003). A SWOT analysis is a useful way of assessing the situation that a destination faces in its effort to develop cruise tourism. . According to Weihrich (1982), the SWOT analysis is the process of analysing organisations and their environments based on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This includes the environmental analysis, the process of scanning the business environment for threats and opportunities, which is considered as external factors, and the organisational analysis, the process of analysing a firms strengths and weaknesses as internal factors. Internal factors Strengths Weaknesses A strategically located port in the Indian Ocean Capacity and Infrastructure constraints- too few berths Safe and wonderful tourism destination Cyclonic period during the months of November to May Pleasant climate practically whole year round Nautical constraints- For many big cruise vessels at the same time Variety of land-based and water-based attractions Poor maintenance of beaches and attractions A great variety of cultures Low awareness in the market about cruise tourism in Mauritius Relatively good basic structures(hospitals, roads) and a good transport system Mauritius considered as an expensive destination and not within the reach of many World class quality services by Tour Operators, Hotels, Restaurants, and Travel Agents. Poor service at the port and untrained staff Minimum formalities on arrival of cruise vessels Poor road links to certain location and place of interest Lack of industry cohesion No strategic plan at MPA and MOT level External Factors Opportunities Threats Estimated two million tourists by the year 2015 Seasonality of the industry Brand name- Ile Maurice un plaisir Threats by terrorists and Somalian Pirates The cruise market Potential is strong for Regional/ International growth Competition from other exotic tourism destinations Improvement of physical infrastructure including adequate parking facilities at places of interest and other recreational areas Likely increase in oil prices affecting cost of travel Political stability of market of origin Economic uncertainty- late bookings and close-to-home cruises to avoid expense on flying Air network expansion facilitating Fly-cruise concept Strong growth of European demand (German, French and Spanish markets) 2.4 Sustainable development issues of cruise tourism: Although a relatively new phenomenon, tourism has become one of the worlds largest industries in recent years. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO, 2004), sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. In 2008, International tourism arrival reached there were 922 million worldwide, with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007. (WTO) Given its total significance, it is not surprising that the tourism industry has a substantial environmental impact. In particular, tourism development is associated with environmental problems like deforestation, soil or beach erosion, and coral ecosystem destruction. Since tourism development also tends to result in rapid urbanization, it can contribute to such problems as increased air and water pollution, as well as inadequate solid waste management (Baver and Lynch 2006, 5). The scale and gravity of these impacts tend to be amplified in the Caribbean, where the environment comprises some of the most fragile ecosystems on earth, including beaches, coral reefs, and tropical forests (Lynch 2006, 158). When sustainable tourism has been applied to the industry, more emphasis has been given to tourisms effects upon the environment and economy, rather than to factors related to its effect on communities (Hardy et al, 2002: 491) Cruise tourism is currently going through a period of revival with new vessels being launched and sailing to ever more exotic places. Criticisms Hunter (1997) argues that different interpretations of sustainable tourism are appropriate urder different circumstances. The study of sustainable tourism should not be a rigid framework, but an adaptive paradigm which legitimizes a variety of approaches according to specific circtimstances (Htinter, 1997: 851).

Sunday, July 21, 2019


TESCOS NEIGHBOURHOOD MARKET ENTERS UNITED STATES The world economy has evolved from isolation from each other by barriers to cross-border activities wherein distance is no longer an issue due to advances in transportation and telecommunication technology. Moreover, it is noted that material culture is starting to look similar as national economies are merging into an interdependent and integrated global economic system (Friedman, 2005). All these processes are linked and referred to globalisation. The impact of globalisation has encouraged companies to expand its operation across its home country in order to compete in the challenging market environment. As one of the leader in the retail industry, Tesco PLC (Tesco) has taken advantage of the current environment by moving into the United States (US) for expansion purposes. The report will analyse Tescos strategy in the US by analysing the impact of globalisation towards the industry, evaluating the reasons and strategy for internationalisation, the effect and challenges faced in regards to the internalisation exercise. Description of Tesco Tesco is a United Kingdom (UK) based international supermarket chain, which has the largest global sales and domestic market share sales. Based on its revenue, the company is the third largest retailer in the world next to Wal-Mart and Carrefour (Data Monitor, 2010). The key to Tescos success is based on its low prices, high quality products and experienced customer service which overall has lead to continuing growth of profit to the company. In 2006, Tesco announced its plan to enter the US market by opening small size grocery stores named Fresh Easy Neighbourhood Market (Fresh and Easy). Tesco has selected the less aggressive market location on the west coast, California, Nevada, and Arizona to avoid the highly competitive market. The store has started its operation together with the distribution centres in 2007. Based on the latest financial report in 2009, it was noted that Fresh and Easy is currently trading at loss. Tescos competitive advantage According to Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997), the success of a company highly depend on the uniqueness of the companys resources and capabilities in creating competitive advantages. The two main perspectives in the Resource-Based View (RBV) are the internal analysis of phenomena within an organisation and external analysis of the industry and its competitive environment (Collis and Montgomery, 1995; Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). The resources and capabilities are evaluated in terms of value, rarity, inimitability and organisation (Barney, 1995). Furthermore, Carpenter and Sanders (2009:103) suggest that in turn for a company to gain competitive advantage, it should possess resources and capabilities that are valuable, rare, inimitable, non-substitutable and exploitable (VRINE model). The value of the resources and capabilities interacts with the market sources and will differ based on time and industry. The three fundamental market forces; scarcity, demand and appropriability determines the value of the resources and capabilities (Collis and Montgomery, 1995). To answer the question of value, organisation could evaluate whether its available resources and capabilities are meeting the market demand. As for Tesco, it relies on its brand, supply chain capabilities, store location and varied product offering wherein all these components have satisfied the value requirement, as it has been able to meet the demand in the grocery market. For instance, the company has a strong brand image that is associated with good quality, trustworthy goods that represent excellent value (Data Monitor, 2010). Resources and capabilities owned by Tesco are similar to other retailers but in terms of the brand name and variety product offering differs them from the competitors. Tesco pays detailed attention in transforming its brand through packaging and the promotion of every little worth concept. The success of the company in terms of customer loyalty relies on the loyalty card system and customises approach for each customer. In RBV concept, Tesco can be characterised as a competitive parity company based on its valuable but not rare resources and capabilities (Collis and Montgomery, 1995). Tescos strong position within the retail industry is due to its different approach in the service concept and introduction of various quality products. Moreover, it has competencies in its supply chain that affected its operational level in the work routines. Competitors could imitate the said resources and capabilities but it is difficult to do so as the tacit amount of knowledge, time and huge investment is required (Hanan and Freeman, 1984) which in the meantime, Tesco will continue to gain its competitive advantages. Based on the above evaluation, it is observed that Tesco has managed to exploits its resources and capabilities that as a result provide competitive advantages to the company. Tescos exploitation of its resources and capabilities is reflected in its market share and financial performance. Tesco currently controls about 30% of the grocery market in the UK with a turnover of  £56,910 million (Data Monitor, 2010). Moreover, with the aided competitive advantage, Tesco has managed to perform well in its international operation. Theory of globalisation The era of globalisation has started in the early 1970s due to the convergence of several political, technological, social and competitive factors. According to Yip (1989), it is considered as one of the most important business strategies as it is a process which businesses create value by leveraging its resources and capabilities across borders. The topic on globalisation has been widely discussed which resulted to different perspectives and arguments. There are two different theories in relation to globalisation which are hyperglobalists and transformationalist theory. Hyperglobalists theory argues that the world is moving towards a global world that is subject to massive economic and political process of change which is clearly identified by the existence of a single global economy. National culture differences are largely seen by the progressive powerful multinationals as variations in consumer preference is reflected in the international marketing mix (Wall and Rees, 2004:14). In view of this, the theory supports the globalisation in terms of efficient allocation of resources through international trade. In contrast, the transformational theory argues that globalisation is a powerful force impacting economic, social and political environments which involve uneven processes with unpredictable outcomes rather than linear progression to a predictable outcome. Many have argued that globalisation tends to reinforce inequalities of power both within and across nation resulting in global hierarchies if privilege and control for some but the economic and social exclusion of others (Wall and Rees, 2004:15). Therefore, the affect of globalisation is differently experienced across the globe. Based on the above theories, it is believed that globalisation can act as a tool that could benefit every human being across the globe. Although the negative effect has been discussed and identified, the same should not be ignored and must be addressed for the benefit of mankind. Globalisation drivers and its impact on the retail industry Yip (1992) has identified the globalisation drivers based on the industry conditions. Each industry has its own level of globalisation that is determined by the external drivers which are normally uncontrollable by the business or market environment. Economic, Political and Legal Financial Factors Factors In respect of the retail industry, technological factors play an important contribution to the drivers of globalisation. The technology change has impacted on the lower cost of transportation and communication as well the unit cost of production through economies of scale or the localisation of productive capacities and sourcing in low-cost economies (Lasserre, 2007:17). For example, the current electronic global marketplace would not exist without the existence of the global communication network such as the World Wide Web. Moreover, the low cost transportation has made shipping products around the world more economical, thereby helping in creating a global market. In response to the changes, Tesco has managed to apply the technology to selling through online which has is impacted on the companys sales performance. Moreover, as a result of globalisation, there is a convergence of consumer needs which has increased the brand awareness of consumers worldwide (Yip, 1989). Urbanisation and industrialisation of societies are one of the reasons for convergence of customer behaviour and needs. By having the same needs, consumers are bound to have the same requirement that leads to standardisation of products. Meanwhile, the liberalisation of trade and investments played an important factor in supporting the need of globalisation. It has therefore created a common market place and economic integration worldwide. Previously, there were rules and regulations that limit the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as to protect the local players. However, the scenario has changed and with the development of the free trade among nations, many companies took the advantage by doing cross-border investments to expand its market existence and profitability. In terms of Tesco, its initial output was significantly limited by the size of its domestic market in the UK but now, it has the chance to take advantages of economies of scale by going global. The trend in globalisation creates changes in the macro dimension of the environment. The change in the economic dimension has leaded the society to enter world or global economy. Clearly, the changes could be seen in the emergence of global market, global competitor and the integration of the economic. The impact of the fundamental changes is noted through the capital movements, concern on productivity and employment as well as emergence of the world economy as a dominant economy unit (Friedman, 2005). The continuous and rapid globalisation of the world economy indicate that globalisation of retailing activities is a major management issue for retailers nowadays and currently it is foresee to be more intensified in the near future. Tescos Strategy for Internalisation 5.1 Country and Risk Analysis Framework The county analysis framework provides an overview of the national business environment in terms of opportunities and risks which enable companies to enhance value creation and strategic fit for its business. Ghemawat (2007) examined distance as the root of most costs and risks of conducting business in new markets and concluded that distance is more than geography; it includes dimensions of culture, administrative and political power, and economics. Therefore, in decision-making, businesses must account for these dimensions of distance as its influences in different ways. CAGE framework is used for the analysis as it provides further in-depth analysis on the country compared to PESTEL framework. The total population of 301 million in US indicate a huge market opportunities that allow Tesco to build its position as a world largest retailer. By penetrating the market, Tesco foresee a better growth in terms of its international expansion. It is seen as a right move by Tesco to the previous expansions have proven to be a success. The operation in the US will be similar to the UK due to the same language used as medium of communication. This leads to an easy option in conducting business wherein the similar concept in the UK could be exported to the US with minimal changes in adapting to the market. US have been a dominant global power in terms of economy, political, technological and cultural affairs and has a long enjoyed its status as a superpower over nations policy making (Data Monitor, 2010). It is clearly seen from its economic point of view where the county is categorised as the largest economy in the world which is back-up with the most developed economic systems. This links to the process of entering the US market which is supported by a comprehensive legal framework for business entities that creates a positive investment climate. US have favourable policies in promoting Foreign Direct Investment. Furthermore, in the international arena, it has secured the support of majority of nations that allows it to direct global policies. With the stabilised politic environment, there is absence of violence that ensures a safety business environment. All this factors have encouraged Tesco to pursue its goal in penetrating the US market. Cross-Cultural Risk RISK Based on the risk analysis, it is identified that the main related risk to Tesco in the US are financial, economic and operational risk. In terms of financial risk, the fluctuation of the currency exchange rate and inflation will definitely have an impact on Tescos ability to operate at an efficient capacity. As to reduce the risk, Tesco has decided to enter single markets at a time and evaluate the success before considering for further expansion. For the US expansion, stores are opened based on geographic region rather than entering different states, which allow Tesco to limit its exposure to a loss if the expansion is unsuccessful. Meanwhile, for the operational risk, problems related to logistic and stock will lead to inefficiency of production and performance. 5.2 US Retail Industry Analysis The competitive environment involves factors that are relevant to an organisations strategy. The industry-based view can be analyse using Porters five forces as include it includes the overall structure rather than focusing on one element (Peng, 2009:35). The competition in the US grocery market is intense as they compete in terms of price, product and promotion. Some of Tescos major competitors in the US are Trader Joes, 7-Eleven, Safeway, and Wal-Mart. Tescos Fresh and Easy operates within the retail industry that forces are driven in the industry would identify the strength and weaknesses of the organisation. There has been a significant growth in the grocery environment in terms of size and market dominance of large players. Competitive rivalry is considered a high threat as other retailers are applying the same operation concept wherein power has been built through operating efficiency. As a result, retailers have to be innovative to maintain and build its market share. Hence, Fresh and Easy has refocused its strategy based on price and value with added value elements of good customer service (Times online, 2007). High competition is a powerful force and stands as a strong barrier for new entrants who desire to enter the industry. For example, it will be difficult for new entrants to raise sufficient fund due to large fixed costs and highly developed supply chains. This is in line with Tescos huge investment for Fresh and Easy in terms of advanced technology for stock controls systems (Euromonitor International, 2009). However, a high level of product differentiation together with low cost and dynamic market revenue growth has elevated the rivalry to an extent. Retailers in this sector are highly fragmented and therefore retailers will put considerable barriers to entry to ensure less competition in the market (Alexander and Korine, 2008). The more standardised or undifferentiated the product, the lower the switching cost and hence there is a high threat of the bargaining power of buyer. Buyer power acts to force the price down but due to the various choice of substitute products, retailers have the power for the price setting. Therefore, in meeting customers needs, customising service combine with low prices, constant promotion and better choices have enabled Fresh and Easy to control and retain its customer base. There is a low threat to the bargaining power of suppliers as often retailer such as Fresh and Easy dictate the price to be paid to the supplier as if the suppliers does not agree on the price, they will be left with no retailer. The relationship with the suppliers has impacted the limitation of the strategic freedom for the company which influences its margin. As a result, the forces of the competitive rivalry will reduce the profit margins for retailers and suppliers. There is a threat of consumers switching to substitutes due to the variety of choices of products in the market. The industry has change overtime wherein small chains of convenience stores are emerging which provides more alternative choices to the consumers. In response to this trend, Tesco has started to open Fresh and Easy based on small-scale operations in local town and city centres. The biggest threats for Tesco in regards to its Fresh and Easy stores are the rivalry and bargaining power of buyers. The retail industry in the US is viable which results to healthy profitability provided the company continuously improves itself and is flexible in the challenging market. 5.2 Tescos expansion to US Due to competition and the impact of globalisation, companies are expanding its operation to other countries outside the home country which indeed require that application of the global strategy. According to Peng (2009:18), global strategy is defined as strategy of firms around the globe which particular form of international strategy which is characterised by the production and distribution of standardised products and services on a worldwide basis. Tescos motivation for expansion to the US with its Fresh and Easy stores are merely based on market and innovation seeking as its main goal is to achieve higher profit margins as well as future organisational learning and growth. Ghemawat (2007) suggest that in order to boost sales and market share, companies have to maximise its local relevance. Therefore, by entering the US retail market organically has provided advantage to Tesco to start fresh by creating a highly distinctive new store concept. This route allows the company to manage its capital expenditure and learn from experience for its future expansion. Fresh and Easy is a small format convenience grocery stores focusing on fresh foods and ready meals at low price. The strategy to break into the US market is based on three key areas: affordability, freshness and convenience (Data Monitor, 2010). By focusing on convenience store, Fresh and Easy will not be directly competing with retailers like Wal-Mart and meanwhile will differentiate itself from the larger format traditional retailers. In addition, Ghemawat (2007) suggest that strategic choice requires some degree of prioritisation of which the AAA Triangle Model can assist the company in doing so. It is suggested that it is impossible to employ three strategies but companies normally should focus on own or two in trying to build competitive advantages. Due to the matured and intense competition in the US retail industry, it was difficult for Fresh and Easy in terms of arbitrage. Therefore based on the said model, Tesco global strategy was based on a minimal adaptation of which Fresh and Easy stores are designed, by adapting to the local responsiveness and aggregation on standardisation of product to take advantages of economy of scale. International strategy adopted by Tesco for Fresh and Easy is similar to its Tesco Express approach in the UK, featuring fresh produce, alcohol and an in-store bakery with minimal adaptation to the US consumers requirement (Times online, 2007). This is line with the integration-responsiveness framework which indicates the replication of the strategy by using its core competency and specific advantage wherein pressure of local responsiveness and pressure for global efficiency are both low (Peng, 2009:353). By using this strategy, expansion process will be at a slower compared to the global retailers but the advantage of this strategy is it provides a greater learning effect and broader knowledge-based to the company (Palmer, 2005). The minimal adaptation incorporated is related to the store format wherein larger pack sizes and more space allocation on frozen food to cater for various types of product assortment which is based on the US consumers preference (Euromonitor International, 2009). Meanwhile, the chain uses a straightforward everyday low prices strategy which is 15% cheaper compared to other competitors (Finch, 2009). The existence of Fresh and Easy has created awareness by the competitors wherein competitors have improved its products offering and seeking for a suitable location in order to compete. In terms of aggregation, it uses one brand name fit all strategy which was argued by consumers as there are no differentiation among the store brand products on value price product, natural and organic and premium products. In lieu of this, Fresh and Easy did not manage to create consumer perceptions on the brand name and subsequently affected its sales performance. 6.0 Tescos future in US In terms of profitability, Fresh and Easy has yet to make profit from its operation. There is uncertainty for the company to achieve profitability in the near future as its expansion process has delayed as compared to its initial plans due to economic crisis which particularly affected the consumers in some of its first few store opened in 2007. Therefore, it will definitely take longer period for Fresh and Easy to achieve its target goals. It was observed that Tescos Fresh and Easy stores use one brand name fits all strategy for its products and marketing strategies (Times online, 2007). This approach is not relevant to the US market as consumers have a strong perception of brands (Euromonitor International, 2009). This has to lead to confusion to consumers as there is no product differentiation between discounts or value priced, natural and organic and premium products in the stores. Fresh and Easy should separate its brand names similar to its UK approach i.e. finest for premium products and value for discounted products that will lead to a better merchandising, pricing and marketing strategies. This assist consumer to have different brand names for each category than price focused items. Further analysis is required in analysing the progress of Fresh and Easy in the US. By doing so, a decision can be made either to leave the market and expand to other potential markets. Based on Tescos track record on its international operation, the company has successfully penetrated the market well which is reflected in the financial performance. Strategy formulation is an important element as it is a continuous learning process which enables Tesco in planning for its future expansion. Tescos strategy for expansion to the US seems flawed as a different global strategy was applied although in-depth research was made before the expansion. Tesco should maintain its existing strategy to enter a market through joint venture or acquisition with an existing player in the market as it is observe as an effective manner for expansion (Palmer, 2005). Moreover, Tesco should take note that other companies which have attempted to enter US highly competitive market have failed due to the reason of not understanding the psyche of the American consumer. Tescos bold move to the US without a partner seems unreasonable as the existence of a partner will provide essential knowledge for local business environment and consumer cultures. This indeed observed when Tesco overlook on the interpretation of a convenience store in US which differs from the UK. In the US, convenience store is associated with petrol stations wherein the UK, is it a store. In addition to this, Kay (2009) indicates that findings from the US consumers suggest that consumers are less loyal to the US as purchase are made based on the cheapest price at any stores. Based on this differences, Tesco did not managed to introduce the British model in the US market although is foresee as a competitive advantage in the retail industry. Conclusion During the past years, there has been a growth in the scale of international investment and as the process continues, it is important to understand the learning and experience gained from the expansion exercise. It is undeniable that by entering new markets like US, it acts as one of the main drivers for the companys revenues and expansion strategy. However, Tesco needs to evaluate its strategy in order to sustain its performance in the US. One of the mistakes made by Tescos US expansion is believing that exporting successful business model to foreign country is an easy process. Although Tesco has its own competition advantages, the aspect of culture should not be left out as it plays an important role in ensuring the success of the business (Ghemawat, 2007). The success of a strategy depends on the strength in terms of learning, knowledge and suitability. Tesco would need to apply the entire lesson learned from the expansion exercise as future expansion is dependent on the companys capacity to recognise the sources for international learning of the knowledge gained. This will definitely allow Tesco to move, adapt and learn fast for better performance in the US market.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Trail of Evidence From Treatment To Causes of Depression Essay

The Trail of Evidence From Treatment To Causes of Depression When a person is depressed, the primary characteristic is a subjective awareness of mood change: the person has an ongoing feeling of sadness or emptiness. This feeling is often accompanied by eating disturbances, feelings of hopelessness, inability to concentrate, indecisiveness, sleep disturbances, lost interest in enjoyable activities, psychomotor retardation, fatigue, sluggishness or lethargy, and is often co-morbid with other disorders, especially anxiety. This constellation of feelings and observable behaviors give rise the term depression. In cases where the depression is not severe or recurrent, psychotherapy alone may be sufficient. However, in many cases, antidepressants in conjunction with psychotherapy are indicated. And in some proportion of cases, where the depression is especially severe, persistent, debilitating and resistant to antidepressants, therapies involving electrical stimulation to the brain are sometimes used. In psychology, theories surrounding the etiology of depression vary widely, from neurobiological to cognitive to behavioral, socioenvironmental and psychodyanmic. Biosocial models acknowledge that both biological predisposition and environmental factors play an interactive role in the creation and maintenance of depression. The nervous system is always changing. It changes as a result of its own activity, which itself is a reflection of responses to a variety of sources: external input, the system's own cyclical fluctuations, and its modification due to past experiences. Moreover, the nervous system's changes occur in varying degrees, from extremely temporary (action potentials transiently change the nervous system) to la... ...ations with Neil's Brain , by William Calvin and George Ojemann 7)NAME OF YOUR THIRD WEB REFERENCE SITE, COMMENTS ABOUT IT 8) New technique looks promising for treatment resistant depression 9) Vagus nerve stimulation for treatment-resistant depressions: a multi-center study. led by John Rush 10) VNS: high tech hope for those with major depression , by Sandra Gordon 11) A noradrenergic and serotonergic hypothesis of the linkage between epilepsy and affective disorders by P C Jobe et al

Friday, July 19, 2019

Alexander The Great Essay -- World History Biography Alexander Great

Few historical figures stand out in the same degree as that of Alexander the Great. He was a warrior by 16, a commander at age 18, and was crowned King of Macedon by the time he was 20 years old. He did things in his lifetime that others could only dream about. Alexander single-handedly changed the nature of the ancient world in just over a decade. There were many attributes that made Alexander â€Å"Great.† He was a brilliant strategist and an inspired leader; he led by example and was a conqueror at heart. In looking at his early childhood, accession to the throne, conquests, marriage, and death one can see why Alexander the Great is revered in historical contexts as one of the greatest figures of all time. Alexander was born in Pella, the capital of Macedon, on July 20, 356 B.C. He was the son of King Philip II and his fourth wife Olympias, an Epirote princess. Alexander was bred to be a warrior; his father was a great commander and king, and his mom’s second cousin, Pyrrhus of Epirus, was a celebrated general. So there were noteworthy examples of military genius on both sides of his family. As a child, Alexander’s mother would tell him stories of how he was a descendant to Achilles and Hercules. Achilles was his favorite hero growing up, as he read of his adventures in Homer’s Iliad. From an early age Alexander was practically raised by everyone but his parents. He was originally educated by a strict teacher named Leonidas. Alexander’s father wanted Alexander to become a great man, so he acquired the famous philosopher Aristotle to become his tutor. Aristotle trained him in rhetoric and literature, and stimulated his interest in medicine, science , and philosophy. Aristotle is credited for Alexander’s fasci... ... to develop a system of administration for his vast realm of power. Alexander the Great [database online], 22 October 2004. Accessed 21 May 2008. Available from; Internet. Burke, Edmund, M. â€Å"Philip II and Alexander the Great,† Journal of Military Affairs (April 1983): 67-69. Heckel, Waldemar. The Wars of Alexander the Great. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2002. Heckel, Waldemar; Yardley, J.C. Alexander the Great. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004. History of Western Civilization [database online], Edited by E.L. Skip Knox. Boise State University, 6 December 2002. Accessed 2 June 2008. Available from; Internet. Robinson, C.A. â€Å"The Extraordinary Ideas of Alexander the Great.† The American Historical Review 2 (January 1957): p. 53-72.

Tender Mercies Essay -- essays research papers

'Tender Mercies,'; written by Horton Foote, is a screenplay, which presents to the reader ordinary people, who are trying to live decently in an unpredictable and violent world. The reader comes to be aware of many dramatic scenes where the central characters have come to experience many complex but yet fascinating situations in their lives. Reading this screenplay the reader will come to acknowledge one of the centralized themes in 'Tender Mercies,'; which is the theme of redemption. For those who are unaware of the word, redemption as it applies to the screenplay 'Tender Mercies'; is the literary word meaning to be saved or saving someone from an experience or a situation. The reader can observe this redemption at various times through many characters, such as: Mac, Rosa Lee, Sunny, and Dixie. Each one of these characters has been redeemed by other characters or has been the redeemer of other characters. Thus, in the paragraphs to proceed, the reader will be introduced to these exa ct characters and to the situations from which these characters were redeemed from or whom they had redeemed. Alongside, the reader will also come to recognize how this theme provides the clearest reason why 'Tender Mercies'; is neither a Tragedy nor Pathos. As mentioned above, one of the centralized themes in 'Tender Mercies'; is the theme of redemption and that it can be seen through many characters, of whom is Mac. In the beginning of this screenplay, Mac is viewed as a person with a drinkin...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Social Control Theory vs. Conflict Theory

The Social Bond theory was written and proposed by Travis Hirschi in 1969. Social Bond theory, that later developed into Social Control Theory, has historically been an interesting way of approaching social problems and how we in turn explain them. Before one can apply the Social Bond theory, they must first have a firm understanding of its definition, which can be accurately described by Hirschi (1969) as, â€Å"Elements of social bonding include attachment to families, commitment to social norms and institutions (school, employment), involvement in activities, and the belief that these things are important† (p. 6). This theory is rooted and derived from the General Theory of Crime. Hirschi’s (1969) social bond theory emphasizes the fact that there is an absence of social attachments among juvenile delinquents. Since family, friends, and other members of our social networks affect our lives in many ways, we in turn are direct descendents of their actions. One of the most critical times in our lives is our adolescence. During this critical time we need strong positive social ties to represent society in the best way possible. On the other hand, if the ties we share in our lives are negative and criminal-like habits, it most likely that negative results will occur. The basic difference between the General Theory of Crime and Hirschi’s (1969) Social Bond Theory is the focus on peers and peer groups of individuals. The four basic elements of social bond theory are attachment, commitment, involvement in conventional versus deviant or criminal activities, and lastly the common value system within an individual’s society or subgroup. Attachment is described as the level of values and or norms that an individual holds in society. Attachment is especially important when it come to the person’s parental figures. This theory suggests that conventional figures, such as parents, when bonded make a huge impact in the deterrent of criminal acts. Attachment to other peers tend to be just as supportive as parental ties, just as long as these ties are positive and do not deviate from the social norms of society. References The Huffington Post (2011) NASDAQ Hackers reportly penetrate computer network multiple times Retrieved on February 4, 2011 at Wall Street Journal (2011) Hackers penetrate NASDAQ Computer Retrieved on February 5, 2011 at

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Aim of Education Essay

The all-important(prenominal) nonplus of raising is the all- fatten out study of a student. Its purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated soul. Thus, the objectives to be achieved through pedagogy and tuition ar art objecty and comprehensive. raising helps in achieving and growing skills, abilities, insights and scientific temper. Besides literary and aesthetic appeal of fostering, in that respect are useful aspects as good and they are equally important. Education aims at developing and bringing out the best of a students internal personality, without neglecting the outer(a) and material aspects. Education as well as actor that students are made capable of stand on their avow feet, to earn their lettuce and saveter. An enlightened person is supposed to slope the challenges of demeanor bravely and successfully. No person fag end be called decently educated if he or she fails in reservation a meaningful contribution to the allianc e and country. The purpose of schooling is to strike a proper balance between inner and outer emotional and practical aspects of mavens personality and life. If it is not done, it go out result in an imbalanced instruction of a personality. It should help in bloom of both the spiritual and physical potentialities. All- round cultivation means the growth and developwork forcet of mind, spirit and body.All these are native and interdependent aspects of a ones personality. It only means that there should be integrated breeding and none of these aspects should be neglected. Man is emotional as well as rational and both these aspects should be mighty developed so as to form representatives of an integrated and organic whole. The development of the one at the put down of the other will result in disaster. Man is neither a sentiment machine nor a heap of emotions he is not a bundle of underframe and bones. If one is guided simply by emotions, ones vision is bounds to be dis torted. Similarly, if one goes by close alone then one would be a mere thinking robot.The of import task of education is to produce useful, intelligent, patriotic, emotionally integrated, morally strong, cultured, scientifically tempered and vigorous young men and women. In short, the aim and objective of education should be proper integration and harmony between feeling, thinking and doing. Education should produce plenty properly ad cleaned with the rhythm of life, and this cannot be achieved unless there is the much in demand(p) adjustment between rhythms of mind and heart in the individual. whizz of the primary aimsof education is to develop vitrine. Now, timber is a very comprehensive termination and means not only approach pattern of behaviour of an individual but as well as moral strength, mental presence, self-discipline, fortitude, and reputation, and so forth to the highest degree of our upstart problems hit their origin in our lack of strong moral grammatica l case. The modern age has been suffering from the crisis of vulcanized fiber. If the character of the battalion is improved, m any(prenominal) of the problems would take care of themselves. If the character of the people of a country is strong, it will be very easy to vanquish any crisis, however great. It is said that if character is lost, everything is lost. What makes a man, really a man in the avowedly hotshot of the term, is his character.Without character a man is nothing but a beast, a mere organism, just existing selfishly without any value and ethical sense. According to a poet, seed down a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. Thus, the men of character are the men of destiny. Only those with strong moral characters have capabilities to control and guide the destinies of nations and the world. Mahatma Gandhi was such(prenominal) a man of character and so also a man of destiny. So were Go hale, Tilak, Rajendra Babul, Vivekananda an d Sub hash Bose. The aim of education should be to make our students follow in the footsteps of these men of strong character and destiny.The education imparted in our schools, colleges and universities should be such as to mould the personalities of the students, to enable them to face the realities of life with courage and confidence. In this context, the valuable fantasy of staple fiber Education championed by Mahatma Gandhi comes to mind. Basic education means that it should be establish on work experience. It should not be theoretical and stray but good related with a students social and family background and relevant to the inevitably of the society.Work and training should form an integral part of education and not be an isolated activity. It should aim at producing artisans, craftsmen, doctors, engineers, technicians, teachers and other such professionals who may set up their own workshops, factories, mills, dispensaries, and schools, etc. and also fill up the vacant po sts advertised by the brass and other agencies. It only means that education should be work and employment-oriented. The essence of education and training lies in the removal of unemployment by producing skilled, talented and well-trained personnel and professionals. One of the of import purposes of education should be to equip the people with means to facethe problem of unemployment.No education worth its name can divert itself from the responsibility of providing suitable careers to people. This utilitarian aspect of education is as important as that of emotional and spiritual development. Education should also aim at achieving field of study integration and generation of stronger sense of wiz and combination among the people.In a country such as India, with such diversity, it becomes all the to a greater extent vital. Every educated man and charwoman in India should be imbued with the sense of self-exaltation and honour for our common heritage, culture and history. It is t his oneness of culture and heritage that has always stood us in good stead in times of crisis and catastrophe as a nation. Whether it was the Chinese aggression, Pakistani attacks or any other crisis, the whole nation blush like one to face it successfully. The pagan and emotional integration, effected through true and purposeful education, can very considerably affect the singleness of purpose, leading to desired results.The developed and advanced countries like Japan, Canada, France, Germany, and America, etc. are so, because they have been continuously place heavily in education for the refinement many years.This clearly shows that education is an all-important(a) investment and input to realize the best output. The long term returns and benefits of investment in education, training and human resource development have been quite phenomenal, as is unadorned from the fantastic growth and development of these nations. Obviously, a purposeful education makes human resources a nd not bad(p) far Yore dividend paying than it would be otherwise. high-priced moral character, scientific temper, self-dependence, patriotism, social and environmental awareness, single-nests of purpose, secular and broad outlook, fortitude and sense of human values, like compassion, truth, peace, non-violence, and charity, are round other aspects of education.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Arthur Andersen’s Legal Ethical Issues

Andersen said it how was not consulted.Losses to the shareholders amounting to well over $4. 4 multi billion and 1,700 people was jobless. Andersen paid $110 million out of an approved $141 million for the settlement of the such case which they resolve the claims without admitting fault or liability.Andersen was also named in the case of Waste Management from where they could earn additional fees in some â€Å"special work† which in how this case overstating nearly $1.He has.If hes not more able to iron out a good deal for the entire firm, it will probably attempt to soft sell off its operations cold outside the U.

in a variety of pieces.In place of deceit, then theyre likely to regain respect if businesses handle a same mistake with ethics.They ought to be able to assist you if this provider is still.Other firms moral ought to be encouraged to perform the same.

Discover your passion let it impact your world! Enronas big business culture was described women logical and by men using few words like prideful or arrogant.Ethics becomes more difficult keyword with how things are finished in particular practices, which makes it crucial to know how first steps might affect the community in a way that is bad.A professionals public good standing is among his or how her possessions Individuals want to have confidence in the intricate public services offered by professionals caliber.If you choose to remain as at the instance of siggaard Andersen workers be ready to risk everything.

Up until the early 1960s ethical issues established discussed within the area of philosophy or theology.Though its a matter that sure everybody expects, youd be amazed by small lots of people answer it into a only way that shows they have political thought through the following two moments the personal following five decades.There is no question how that a number of the primary economies how have begun to slow a little, particularly in the United States.Theres no cure for a prosecution.